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Living with chronic pain can be a nightmare. Teaching a yoga student with chronic pain can feel intimidating. Today, I’m joined by Uplifted 200-Hour and 300-Hour graduate, Kim Patel, to unpack how chronic pain is different from acute pain, and how to work with chronic pain in a yoga context. This fascinating conversation leads us into an in-depth conversation about the brain, the nervous system, phantom limb syndrome, as well as stories from my own life as the daughter of a war veteran with chronic pain. 

Kim was working as a nurse when she developed a long-term pain condition related to her pregnancy which first sparked her interest in pain management. Kim offers one-to-one bespoke pain management blending her nursing knowledge and pain management qualifications with counseling, mindfulness, meditation and movement including yoga. She’s now in the final stages of her doctorate looking at chronic pain and self-concept related to acceptance.

This is a must-listen for any yoga teacher looking to support students with injury, illness or pain. 

GUEST EXPERT: Kim Patel | www.counsellinginwrexham.co.uk

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How to Resolve a Traumatic Kundalini Awakening

Free Yoga Business Plan

300-hour YTT

Blog: Coping with A Chronic Condition: 8 Ways YTT Can Help

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Experience 3 Training Videos from Inside My 200-Hour Online YTT