Yogi Bryan - Uplifted Yoga Podcast

Yogi Bryan is arguably one of the most successful online yoga teachers. And today, he shares his journey of creating a niche brand as a yoga teacher and the success he has achieved on Instagram with me! It all started with a parody yoga Instagram account that led to actually falling in love with yoga, becoming a certified teacher and creating meditation audios and podcasts, which gained popularity and led to wild online growth. We’re talking going from 100,000 to 700,000 followers in just two months 🤯! 

Listen in as we discuss how to:
🔹Blend your passions and unique skills with yoga to create a niche brand.
🔹Embrace authenticity and be prepared for both love and hate.
🔹Experiment with different types of content and platforms to reach a wider audience.

⚠️WARNING⚠️: This episode is EXPLICIT. So if you are around your kids you may want to hit the save button and come back to it later. 

📘 Get your free yoga business plan and checklist https://www.brettlarkin.com/businessplan?utm_medium=social&utm_source=podcast&utm_campaign=businessplan 

GUEST EXPERT: Bryan Holub  |  https://yogibryan.com/

Yogi Bryan’s goal is to help the world release 100 billion f*cks. He is a Neuro Linguistic Programmer (NLP), E-RYT 200 Hour Yoga Instructor, and YACEP-Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider. His Relax with Yogi Bryan Meditation podcast has over 4M plays. Author of It’s Just F*cking Meditation, Bryan helps people just like you find their truth, gain confidence, and release f*cks.

SLEEP with Yogi Bryan app: Google | Apple

Yogi Bryan’s Book: It’s Just Fucking Meditation: How to Find Yourself, Calm Your Anxiety and Manifest the Life of Your Dreams

Book mentioned: How to Meditate: A Practical Guide to Making Friends with Your Mind by Pema Chodron

Find Us: @larkinyogatv and @yogi_bryan

FREE Practice: Easy 5 Minute Meditation to Calm Down & Relax

Relevant Blog: How To Find Your Yoga Niche (And Make $5K/mo)

Relevant to Today’s Episode:
📚 Uplifted Business Launchpad
🐍 Kundalini 200-hour YTT
200-hour Online Yoga Teacher Training
🔮 300-hour Online Yoga Teacher Training

🎧 Also Listen to:
#313 – Social Media as a Vehicle for Your Awakening with Amanda Bucci
#299 – Strategies to Slay Imposter Syndrome and Share Your Gifts

© 2024 Uplifted Yoga | BrettLarkin.com


Hello, my friends. Welcome back to the show. I am so excited today because I am talking to Yogi Brian. He is huge on Instagram. He’s absolutely blown up. He’s also a neuro-linguistic programmer. Of course, he’s a certified yoga teacher and he has a new book called it’s just fucking meditation. And we’re going to talk about his new book today, but also his incredible journey of how he created this niche, owned this brand. And if you have kids, you might want to cover their ears or listen to this when you are not with them, because I think there’s going to be a lot of expletives in today’s episode, which is why we’re also going to market explicit, but just to warn you because I know that’s not always the case on the show. Brian, welcome. I’m so excited to have you here.

Yogi Bryan
Thank you so much and awesome for having me. Yeah, yeah. We first talked what, like 2019? A while ago and yeah, the world has changed since then. So appreciate talking with you now being on your podcast and congrats to all your success.

Yes. Well, congratulations. Yes, and congratulations on your book. And I think this is a really great place to start because when we first connected, you had a different podcast show and you were working with a partner. And remind me of what that first show was called. The Yogi Show. OK, and this is this is really cool because I think a lot of yoga teachers at the start of their journey, they tend to be broad.

Yogi Bryan
Yeah, it’s called the Yogi show. Yogi show.

And often they have a partner or someone else they’re working with because they’re maybe a little nervous to do it on their own, which is I’m not saying what happened to you, but it’s just so cool to connect with you a couple years later and just see how you have absolutely blown up online. I mean, guys, he has over a million Instagram followers. He got the book deal. I just love all your content as well. Like, it’s really fun. It’s really funny. But I’m sure there’s a big personal journey that you had to go through as a yoga instructor to kind of own the niche that you’re now.

You know, controlling online. So do you want to talk a little bit about what this looked like from like newly minted with your yoga certification to like where you are now?

Yogi Bryan
Yes. Sure. Yeah. So it first it first started 2016 is I saw one of my friends on Instagram and Instagram was like just barely starting at the time and she was doing a yoga challenge for her studio and she was posting pics on her kitchen table on her bed, like all over the house for like a fun yoga challenge, doing poses in different places. I thought this was ridiculous. So I created an Instagram account.

Namaste AF at the time and I really didn’t Know anything about yoga like some of my poses on there like I have no clue what I mean those aren’t any poses For yoga and I was just having fun with it and it started to gain some popularity I think I had like a thousand followers in two weeks I’m like I should go learn yoga so I join a yoga studio to learn more yoga so I can build this Instagram I was going through a pretty rough. Yeah

Okay, so basically you started a yoga Instagram account kind of to make fun of your friend, not even knowing yoga. Okay.

Yogi Bryan
Yes. Yes, yeah, I was just making fun of it. I dabbled around Kundalini. That’s why I love your stuff. I dabbled around Kundalini and I just really loved it. It was more like I would just go once a week, almost like church for like my spiritual thing. It wasn’t really anything physical other than the breathing and some of the mudras. So I really loved it. I was dabbling with that. And then, yeah, I saw this friend doing the yoga challenge and I’m like, I’m going to create an Instagram account just for comedy, satire.

Started creating it. I’m like, okay. Yeah, now I’ll go join the yoga studio to learn more about it. I didn’t really have any Intentions on being a teacher. I just really wanted to make comedy Content for this Instagram and really yeah


And is your background in comedy? Do you have a background in any of this or?

Yogi Bryan

Yeah, yeah, I mean I was I was doing like funny snapchats and for my friends like I was doing comedy things like I was In the class clown. I love making people laugh. So I wasn’t really like a professional comedian at the time You know, I was just like just dabbling. I was like, this is a fun idea. Maybe I could blow this up and have a brand namaste AF at the time and yeah, I joined the studio and Yoga just really took me like it just started transforming my body my mind

I was like, holy crap, I should join yoga teacher training, make fun of it more, join yoga teacher training. And it just, it was just like a natural progression. Like I was thrown into teaching classes. It was just, it was like a natural thing for me. It’s like the universe wanted it to happen. And that’s, yeah. Oh yeah, no problem.


Well, what I love about this story, sorry to just jump in, is like I always tell students or prospective teachers that like a lot of the times what the universe wants from us is to blend yoga with what we’re already passionate about, more specifically that which exists within our life that we think is actually the most, like the least yogic.

Yogi Bryan

Right? Yeah.


if that makes sense. Like for me it was like I was very techy and I loved like online. I used to work in video game tech doing online fitness and stuff so I was like oh well that doesn’t jive with yoga at all because yoga is all about not being in front of them cuter and spiritual. I mean this was back in 2010 but it actually turns out fusing my tech background and yoga was actually what really helped everything take off and for you it seems very it’s like it doesn’t seem like this comedy background or this

Yogi Bryan



need to kind of just want to make people laugh or naturally being the class clown growing up would be something that would fuse or meld well with yoga, but like lo and behold, that’s where the magic happens.

Yogi Bryan

Right? Yeah, it’s like, yeah, meshing, like how you did it, the tech, meshing that with how can you bring this more, you know, now with how tech is, it’s like people are watching on YouTube and it’s like how to bring that into this practice. So yeah, it’s true. Yeah, if you’re out there listening, it’s like you’re already doing something that you’re really good at. And if you’re gonna be a yoga teacher, just mesh those together and it’s easier for you. You know, just be easier for you. Yeah.


100%. Yes. But the thing is, and I think this is where people get caught up, Brian, is it requires you to be vulnerable and really, you know, maybe put two things together that didn’t don’t make sense. Like when I first put yoga teacher training online, I got a lot of hate, you know, because it was 2015 or 16. Like people thought I was fraudulent. People thought this was a terrible thing. No one believed that online education for yoga could really work. And I’m sure, I’m sure you get some hate. So I want to talk about that as well.

You know, people who don’t like the way that you’re angling or branding yoga. But this is the thing, I think when you’re doing something that’s different or you’re ahead of your time or you’re really sharing your uniqueness, it’s like not everyone’s gonna like it. And getting comfortable with that is so important. So did you have any of that from the beginning? You know, okay, tell us about that.

Yogi Bryan

Right. Oh yeah, just yeah, it’s um, yeah, that’s been a journey to handle that. It’s um, but, but it’s, you know, from what I’ve seen, it’s like, anytime you do, like you’re speaking your own authentic voice, it’s like, yeah, every, everybody wants you to be authentic and tell your authentic. And then they’re like, whoa, whoa. Like, you know, it’s not supposed to be this way. Like you can’t say that or you can’t do this. It’s like, yeah.


Little too much!

Yogi Bryan

And then when you are authentic, it’s yeah, you get like the people that just don’t like it. And that’s from any creators or anyone making content, anyone speaking their authentic voice. What I’ve embraced, it’s like, yeah, people are not going to like it. And that’s OK. They’re not they’re not your people that they can go watch somebody else. And then you’ll really just gain a following of people that absolutely love what you’re doing. You know, and yet.

Yeah, if you really want people to love you, other people are not going to love you and you’re going to get the hate. That’s just part of it. That’s just part of it. And I see that so much with new yoga teachers or any content creators is, you know, they post once or twice or do one or two YouTube videos and they get one hateful comment and then they’re done, you know? And, and I’ve had to, I’ve done that before. I remember when TikTok first came out, I posted a

Alternate nostril breathing like Nadi Shodhana, right? And then I got just one comment that was like You can’t do this and you have to do a warm-up and all this stuff and I was like literally watched another YouTuber do this so I was like almost doing the same thing But just in my style and I just got so much hate on it and I was terrified of posting any breathwork Videos after that for months. So like I’m not immune to that either. I’m sure you’re not immune to it either I mean it still stings like it stills like oh wow

But at the same time, it’s like, whatever, like you’re gonna… I’m so much better at it now, it’s like, whatever. If I post something, I’m gonna get some hate and I’m gonna get some love. And I can’t really… I can’t really like… get the dopamine for the love, because then the hate feels worse, you know? So it’s kind of like, hey, I’m just posting this out there. 50-50, yeah. Exactly, exactly.


Because this is me. Yeah. I know I think it’s really important we’re having this conversation because I think people look at someone like you and they’re like, wow, we has a million subscribers on Instagram. And they just think that it’s easy or that it wasn’t like a learned skill set which has been true for me as well of, seeing really nasty comments and criticism and continuing the course anyway. And I think what you said is so spot on. It’s like, if you have this

dopamine attached to like the good comments, then well, you’ve kind of set yourself up in a situation where you’re then bummed out by the bad ones. So, you know, thinking of your account as how do I authentically express like what my living expression is. I try to think of it also as like artwork or what I care about has been helpful for me, but say more about how you’ve approached this.

Yogi Bryan

Yeah. Yogi Bryan

Yeah, I mean, I’ve gone in several routes. Like sometimes I won’t even look at comments and just post it and just not even look at it because then I’m just not aware. But then it’s like, OK, I don’t see the good like the people that are just loving on it. But then I don’t see the bad. I mean, mentally, that’s the best thing for me is just not even looking at comments. I mean, that’s the best way for me. But then there’s other times where I.

maybe it’s torture, but I’ll go in and I’ll just look at comments. And I’m just kind of looking for the negative comments, just to use it as improvement, especially for like my meditation audios. You know, I’ll look at them and I’ll get some really good feedback. I mean, I used a lot of that feedback, like, oh, you’re talking too much. Like I wish it was more guided. You know, he guides too much, or I didn’t like the affirmation. So it’s really deciphering it. I mean, it-

Definitely hurts that I have to go through and it’s like, okay, I got a hey make sure I’m just doing this as feedback but really Some of the negative comments have been really Awesome for me like I’ve improved my content from some of the feedback but it is deciphering is this just hate And it’s pretty easy to decipher now. It’s like, okay, you just don’t like me cursing or you just don’t like this whatever And it’s like, okay. Yeah, maybe I’m guiding too much in this meditation

Let me give 30 seconds between each word or something like that. So yeah, I go back and forth. I go back and forth. Sometimes I give it, yeah, sometimes I’ll give it like 30 minutes.


Yeah, I love that point. Yeah, cause sometimes there’s gold. Sometimes there’s gold in the, the negative comments, right? Like the ones that are like, you are Satan, I’ll delete, but sometimes there are ones that are like clearly like an engaged user who’s, who’s saying something. Yeah. Like you’re talking too much or the music was too loud or, you know, think things like that.

Yogi Bryan 

Yeah, yeah. And for yoga teachers, that’s what really helped me out is just getting feedback from your students. You know, like that, that made me improve so much faster. Like I remember, like there’s just things that I wasn’t aware of. One student was like, hey, you’re rushing me too much from like, in like getting to Shavasana. You’re I just felt too rushed. And I would have never known that, you know, without asking for the feedback. So those small things.

That really helped me out is just asking for feedback and just being honest, trying to get the students to be like, look, it’s okay, you’re not gonna hurt my feelings, even though it will hurt my feelings a little bit. It’s okay, it’s okay, because I need that. So embrace it, kind of embrace the hate, but just that discernment of is this constructive feedback or you just don’t like me, whatever, try and forget about it.


Yeah, and you’re talking about another thing I love to harp on, which is being in co-creation with your audience. And I’m curious to talk more about that as your brand develops. So going back to like our timeline here, so you have this parody account, you end up kind of liking what you’re making fun of, decide to do yoga teacher training, you’re teaching people getting feedback. At what point does the brand kind of solidify and you see things taking off? Do you remember like a specific post or a specific angle or a specific video? Kind of walk us through when it felt like, whoa, this is clicking and I’m onto something here for folks.

Yogi Bryan

Yeah, yeah, it started when I was teaching yoga. You know, I was on the schedule teaching yoga and people would just comment about my voice. Like your voice puts me to sleep. Your voice is so soothing. And that’s just been a common thing in class. So then I was starting to do more yoga, nidra and meditations and started to do more yin. And I’m like, whoa, people are falling asleep. So then I started guiding meditations, started on insight timer and they were all clean.

And then I had my podcast, Relax with Yogi Brian podcast, which was all clean. And then I’m like, what happens if I just made a meditation that I wanted to hear, like just release your f*cks like that be funny. People will laugh like why not laugh during the meditation? So I created it’s just fucking meditation podcast. And then people were loving that. And then what happened was. It was around twenty, twenty one where I just.

made a video like, hey f*ckers, like shut the f*ck up, let’s breathe. And then it just blew up. Like it got so many people loved it. It was like a minute video. I’m like, wow, there’s something here. So I just kept, I did a little bit more, dabbed a little bit more. And then I was like, this is working. This is really helping people out. I’m gonna keep this going. And just putting in my spin, cause like, you know, there is a little science to it. Hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming shocks the conscious mind to be like, whoa.

I’m going to stay for this three seconds and actually get some mindfulness and connect with my emotions, connect with my breath. I was like, wow, OK, this is maybe what the world needs is a little hey, f*cker, take a seat, let’s inhale, exhale, get them started. And what I found is like people start here on Instagram and then they go to either YouTube or do a longer form meditation. And then they have a meditation journey all from a quick 30, 45 second hey, f*cker video.

Let’s just focus on your breath.


It’s a hooker and it’s a hook and it gets them. It’s just fucking meditation that you said. So did you put that on Insight Timer as like a sample track or you said it was your podcast? But you didn’t change the name yet.

Yogi Bryan

His podcast. Yeah, it was it was just, yeah, it was relaxed with Yogi Brian is what I first started. And that’s that just took off. And surprisingly, like my clean meditations really do the best. You know, that’s that podcast is almost five million downloads and it just keeps going. And the sleep meditations, yoga, Nidra do the best. And those are clean. And then I started that it’s just fucking meditation podcast just for fun, like most of the stuff that I’ve done.

in this journey is just, I’m gonna see what happens. It’s like a random, hey, this is fun, let’s see. And then it just takes off. And I’m sure you, like as a content creator, it’s like testing things and experimenting and seeing like how can I use humor, cursing, and see what happens out there, you know? And then just, yeah, doubling down on what’s working.


So do you still have two podcasts now, the Relax with Low Yogi Bragin and the It’s Just fucking Meditation? Okay, I just wanted to clarify that for people listening because sometimes I get a lot of questions from teachers saying, oh, well, should I open a second Instagram account or should I open a second brand or subnetion? It sounds like for this, it was something that was kind of controversial. So it makes sense that you’d wanna play with it in a new space or area. When did you change Instagram?

Yogi Bryan

I still have two podcasts, yeah.


I’m assuming you just kept that same account and eventually changed the name to what it is now, which is still just your name, right? Yogi Brian.

Yogi Bryan

Yeah, I actually had a rebrand. I had, there was another company that just spelled out Namaste as f*ck, another company that spelled it out. And then I was Namaste AF and I had tried to do like a trademark and they beat me to it. And instead of fighting it, I was just like, whatever, like I’ll just start Yogi Brian. So I just, I just kept that Instagram. I think it had like 60,000 at the time, 61,000. I just started Yogi Brian. So I think.

Within like a week I had 14,000 followers there. And it was just a, it was a very like sad, depressing time in my life, because I had grown this little brand that I loved and I thought that’s, I just thought I was done, you know? I’m like, okay, Yogi Brian, here it is. I’m gonna focus more on meditation and this and that. I was a meme account for most of the time. Namaste F was mostly memes if you go look back at it. Memes and then Yogi Brian was memes.

So it’s really evolved, like the branding has just evolved. And anyone out there that’s listening that you’re starting a brand, like it just, it’s been eight years in the making for me. You know, and they say it takes like eight years to build a brand. It really just takes time and consistency. I’m sure that you could agree with that, right?


Yeah, I agree. I feel like I’m figuring it out. I’m like, oh, it’s 10 years later and I’m kind of like getting it, right? So, and I think that’s important for people to hear. So how many years from 16,000 to a million? Is that eight years or was there a year where things really blew up? I mean, I know, yeah, cause like for me COVID was huge, right? That was like a huge time of growth on YouTube. So, you know, there was always consistent growth, but there were a couple like key videos that I know and a couple.

Yogi Bryan

Oh, it was, yeah. Yeah, it was.


key things that were happening in the world at the time that, you know, accelerated massive growth in a short period of time. So I’m just curious, like, if you can paint the picture for what that looked like for people.

Yogi Bryan

Yeah. So there’s been different growth areas. Like, well, 2020 is when I really started focusing on meditation audios and the Relax with Yogi Brian podcast. And I had listened to a Seth Godin YouTube about him just being consistent. Just do something for 90 days, just be consistent, do it every day. And I’m like, I’m just going to make meditations for a long period of time. And then that started blowing up.

just one of them started blowing up. So I was like, oh, dang. So that was more of the viral there on the podcast. And then for Instagram, it really started on TikTok first. TikTok, I was posting these short videos, these meditation videos, you know, the cursing ones. And then those were just going viral. And that account went up to like 500,000. And then I had like maybe 30 or 40,000 on Instagram. And I was like, I’ll just do the same thing on Instagram.

And yeah, that I just had really like three viral videos. It got to like a hundred thousand. And then it was last year, I went from like a hundred thousand to seven something within like two months. And it was really just like three or four viral videos of me like just being like, hey, let’s boost your f*cking mood. Let’s take a breath. And then yeah, I was just doing the same stuff. Yeah. It’s like, this is working. People like this.

See, it’s so funny because I’m laughing as you say it. And I think people like to share stuff that makes them laugh. So that is crazy. So you went from 100,000 to 700,000 in two months.

Yogi Bryan

Yeah, yeah, in two months. And it was it was pretty because I had already sold out like a retreat. And by the time I got to this retreat, it’s like it was a different like it was a different frenzy, you know, because I was going out to the I was going to the airport. People were coming up to me like it was like it wasn’t like I wasn’t super famous, but I would every time I would go out, I would get recognized even without the red hat. I would just be like, you know, just going to the store, get recognized. So it was it was something where I.

It caught me off guard. I’m like, okay, I better, I better like wear my branded shirt when I go out if I’m gonna be taking pictures. So it was really cool. Thank you. Plug in the merch, you know?


Yes, guys, and he has great merch. If you have not checked it out, he has great merch. So you guys are going to definitely want to go check out all Yogi Brian merch. Um, okay. So the four videos, cause I think this is so fascinating and it’s going to be interesting to people who are listening that ended up taking off and making you that huge leap for those new videos or were those old videos in your collection that like somehow just the algorithm started featuring or they were all new. They were all new.

Yogi Bryan

They’re new. Yeah, they’re new. Yeah, they were new. They were new. Yeah, I was. Yeah, I mean, the formula was just working like these quick meditation videos, you know, under a minute. And I’ve tested longer ones, but it’s like the longer ones. It’s like go to the podcast or YouTube. You know, Instagram is really like short form content. So I’m like, boom. How can I get some I’m thinking in my head, how can I get someone to like take a mindful breath?

or just take a moment to check in with their body. Like how is mindfulness and meditation and breath work, how does that work for somebody today? Because I was really trying to think about this. You know, we’re all like looking and looking at, you know, people getting engaged and cool cars or whatever the hell it is. And it’s like, how would somebody stop and just focus on the inhale and exhale real quick or just exhale, f*ck, and just really relax and check in with the present moment?

So that’s what I was like, how would I need that? Somebody that’s kinda in your face. And I was like, oh, this. And it’s like, it just started, I was just getting so much good feedback, like hey, you got me through a depression, you got me through a breakup. And I’m like, yeah, for a 45 second video, just exhale saying f*ck, like this helped so much. It was awesome, I love getting that feedback. But it’s, from what I found, it’s that entry.

It’s like that gateway drug to meditation. It’s like, oh, yeah, I just took one breath. Like, let me dabble in more. Just, you know, kind of like rolling out a yoga mat, right? You do your first asana that you love, you’re like, I’m hooked. So yeah.


I love how you’re talking about, you know, different types of content being best suited to different platforms, right? If someone wants something longer form, Instagram’s not the place. They can go to podcasts, they can go to YouTube. And then I love how you just really put yourself in your students’ mind, kind of like a friend. Like what would my friend need to hear if I were gonna wake them up, you know, or kind of shake them a little bit to be like, yo, take a breath with me. And what would I say and what would that look like? And I think that’s an invitation for any.

Anyone listening, yoga teachers listening, like who do you want to talk to? And then what, what is it that you’d want to say? Like the way you were imagining a very specific use case of what they’re scrolling through and what they’re seeing. And, and, you know, maybe trying to catch someone who’s never done a deep breath before, like what you need to say to them to get them to, you know, stop the scroll and look and, you know, like swearing at them will work. So it’s, it’s very, very cool. And then obviously leaning into what’s working. I also just want to shout out and highlight.

Yogi Bryan

Mm-hmm. Yes, right? Yeah. Ha ha ha.


that you were pulling and doing a lot on TikTok and then taking what worked on TikTok over to Instagram. Because I’ve heard that from a lot of creators that like TikTok is where the innovation is happening, where you’re getting usually a lot of great feedback and then it’s kind of, that’s where the early trends are. And then it goes, then you kind of take what’s already working and put it on Instagram. Am I understanding that right? Have you heard that from other creators? How do you think about TikTok and Instagram as different platforms? Do you post the same or different things now?

Yogi Bryan

Yeah, yeah, I just post the same TikTok gets the same as Instagram and um, Like my YouTube I have like everything combined which is great like YouTube is a great platform You know my r-rated meditations, you know, the podcast is just f*cking meditation. They go on YouTube And my relax with yogi brian meditations go on YouTube So it’s like everything for me on YouTube like just a mix up And then if I have videos that are a minute less that I post on instagram

Those go on YouTube shorts. You know, so I’ve made like my content very easy to like just make. You know, if I make a meditation, a long form, it goes on podcasts, YouTube, my app, just the longer form. Then if I make a short form, then it goes on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube short, sometimes on Twitter. When I do a Twitter post, I just take a screenshot from Twitter, put it on Instagram.

And it’s like, I mainly just use the Twitter just for like a template. And then it just works on Instagram. So it’s like a whole like, and anybody out there, you know, starting content, just make it everywhere. Cause now I feel I’m confident. If my Instagram shuts down, I’m fine. Like I still got a TikTok or I still got a YouTube. I still got an app. It’s like, the content’s so all over the place or I still have a Twitter. It’s like, I’m not relying on just like one place.

Thanks to Gary Vee on that one. I used to listen to a lot of Gary Vee back in like 2019, 2020. I like the content. Yeah, yes, email.


And I’m sure you’re collecting email addresses as well. Yes. Yeah, no, I love that you’re, you’re drawing attention to YouTube Shorts because that is something that is newer. So some people listening might not know, but YouTube Shorts is a great easy way to take what you’re doing. I do the same thing. Anything I put on Instagram, I put on YouTube Shorts. Sometimes I’m creating things specifically for YouTube Shorts now because I know YouTube wants particular keywords or it wants certain information from me and my channel and they have a great.

little even recommendations area now. So definitely take advantage of YouTube shorts, those of you who are listening, if you are not already on top of that, because it’s definitely a huge important part of the future. And then tell us.

Yogi Bryan

Yes. And you crush YouTube. That’s like the best platform. That’s like the best. I feel YouTube’s like one of the best to be on. Yeah.


Well, it’s so funny because I feel like everyone’s jealous of each other’s platforms. I’m like, no, Instagram is the best platform. I wish I were big on Instagram, but, um, you know, as you said, you, you have to be everywhere and it’s, it’s hard. Cause I tell people if they’re overwhelmed to just pick their favorite platform as a place to get started, you know, but the way you described it, it is pretty

Yogi Bryan

Yeah, it’s true.


Easy to put things multiple places, especially if you do hire an admin or someone to help you out. It doesn’t have to be you specifically who’s doing the reposting part of it. I do think it should be you specifically who’s coming up with content if you’re still finding your voice and you want that unique voice to be heard. I think this then spiraled into a business. So do you want to talk to us a little bit about how you started monetizing all of this success on social media?

Yogi Bryan



Obviously I want to talk a lot about your book, which everyone should get or just gift to a non-Yogi friend who would get a kick out of something like this that’s just really user-friendly and funny. The book is called It’s Just fucking Meditation, How to Find Yourself, Calm Your Anxiety, and Manifest the Life of Your Dreams. And it has really fun pictures in it too. It’s just a really pretty book.

Yogi Bryan

Thank you. Awesome. Yeah Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah, I mean the monetization of it just really It really started when I was like just focused on Just one thing really I mean, I know I still have like too many things that I’m doing but it’s like Finding what I’m really good at and people love my voice like that’s the one thing and the thing that I’m really good at yes comedy and

making people laugh and getting them into meditation. But the funny thing is like the thing that monetizes the most is putting people to sleep, you know, yoga nidras or, you know, just sleep meditations. And out of all my content, those are the things that just really help people out is getting people to sleep using hypnosis, sleep hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming. And you know, that’s why the app came along is because I had

you know, the podcast doing so well that it just transition hand app. And it’s funny because I have a lot of cursing meditation. Some of them I can’t even post anywhere else because they can just be on the app, which is nice. I don’t really have an algorithm to like mess with. So it’s just like, yeah, that’s the main thing. And then Merchant and this and that. So it’s really just like what’s. Like anybody out there, it’s like, what are you just really good at and your strengths and just.

Double down on your strengths, you know? It took me a long time to figure that out. Oh, maybe I really need to work on my yoga teaching. I barely teach yoga anymore, just because that’s not really my strength. It’s like, and if I wanted to be an amazing yoga teacher, like I’d have to just pick one. Am I gonna be an amazing meditation guide and really focus on that and make the best audios and work on my voice and work on the language?

Or am I going to be like an amazing yoga teacher? You know, it’s very hard to do them both great. So that’s kind of where I’m at. And I’m still trying to narrow it down to just like, this is what I’m doing nonstop. Does that make sense? Yeah.


Yeah, no, I love that. It’s like the permission to specialize. And I’ve read this in a lot of business books, too. It’s like if you if you’re not naturally inclined and somewhat like talented at math, like it’s a huge waste of your time to try to train to be a mathematician, it’s like lean into your natural gifts and what you’re already doing well and get hyper focused on that. So I think, you know, I love that example that you used because it’s like, here you are, you’re impacting so many people.

Yogi Bryan



You’re helping so many people discover yoga and meditation. You’re soothing their nervous system. And no, like you’re not some amazing vinyasa flow teacher who can do these fancy acrobatic poses. Like your R form is really these guided audios. And you’re just gonna keep iterating on those to make them better and better and better. Cause it is, it’s its own skillset than, videos with full body shots and all sorts of other things. So I love that you’re just like owning that, giving per-

Yogi Bryan

Yeah, it is.


permission to others to own that because like we don’t have to be great at everything.

Yogi Bryan 

Yeah, yeah. And especially if you’re specializing in like a yoga thing, like maybe your arm balances or maybe you’re this or maybe Kundalini, you know, it’s I remember one teacher when I first started she’s like, yeah, whatever you do, just like it’ll be helpful if you just stick to that practice and just master that practice, you know, because at the time, like I like Iyengar like this, I like this, like this. And it’s cool to dabble around. But if you really want to be that like

amazing, amazing teacher. Like it just takes a lot of time and repetition and learning and learning and learning. So yeah, that’s kind of why I yeah.


Yeah, we talk a lot about a niche and finding a niche, but it’s like the niche should really be informed by what you’re passionate about and naturally good at, right? Because I think for a lot of yoga teachers, that word feels like a prison sentence, but it really is just like, what’s your unique genius and how can you double down on it? I just wanted to touch on something else that you said, which was that it was clear from listening to you where you’re saying, oh, I saw these sleep audios were doing really well and helping people and performing better. Just the importance of looking at data.

Yogi Bryan



I look at data all the time. Basically every decision I make about what to film or what to do is data driven. So I was just curious if you wanted to speak a little bit to that process because just hearing your incredible success story, it just strikes me as something else that you did that clearly worked. Like knowing, oh, these types of videos where I swear right at the beginning on Instagram are doing well, let’s make more of those. Like in order to have that information, you need to be doing…

30-day, 90-day look backs into your data, kind of seeing what’s working. So what do you have to say about kind of that more analytical piece and how you figured out what’s working? What’s your process for looking at data? What would you recommend teachers focus on there?

Yogi Bryan

Yeah, I, yeah, that’s a great question. I love data. Like, I mean, just the other day, I spent like two days just looking at YouTube analytics and what’s working and where are people dropping off and then going to the meditation. And I was like, why are they dropping off at four minutes, you know, and just looking at all these data and then looking at my Instagram. Like, the numbers don’t lie. Math has zero emotions to it, right? That’s why I love data. It’s like, it’s telling me everything.

that I need to know and it’s telling me what the audience likes. You know, it’s given me the data of my demographic, age range, you know, gender, all that. It’s given me all that stuff. So then it’s like, you know, I look at that and then I figure out what is my demographic looking for in terms of meditations. I go on a YouTube incognito and see what people are researching in terms of meditation. What are people wanting out there? You know, because yeah, yeah.

I might want something, but it’s like, what is, what does the audience really want? What do they need? You know, so that’s in my journey. It really switched when I was like, okay, what can I make them that they need? What does the audience need? So I really look at data. One of my things I’m learning right now is like, I need a test. I need to I need to give a test like 60 to 90 days because I’m just like, oh, it’s not working sometimes. Like

I’ll change this up or I’ll change this up. And sometimes I’ll change something too much. And I was watching. I really love this guy, Sam Ovens. He is just an awesome, like efficient business person. And it’s like when you’re in it’s a scientific method, right? You have a hypothesis what you think is going to happen and then you have your test variables and then you have to give it time. So that’s something that I’m learning with myself. It’s like I got to give this 90 days. If I change something.

I gotta give it 90 days and then I can look at the data. Instead of like, oh, I need this video tanked or this meditation tanked, it’s like, no. Keep it for a long period of time, 90 days at least, and then look at data. So yeah.


I totally second that. And when I paid for an insanely expensive YouTube consultation with the world’s expert on YouTube, Daryl Eaves, he’s very cool if you guys know him or you know him. But he said to me to do 90-day look backs. He was like, always look 90 days. And I think that’s important to share with other people. Because yeah, if you’re too in the minutia, you don’t know exactly potentially yet. So I think the 90-day look back is just great. For me, it corresponds with the.

Yogi Bryan

And I did it. Awesome.


Quarters, like the fiscal quarters of the year, which I force myself to look at as a business owner, you know, what’s happening. So that idea of a 90 day look back is, is really powerful. And then you just never know, you know, like there’s sometimes things that are happening in the industry. Like I’m having right now a YouTube video trend, like hard trend. It’s getting so much traffic right now. And I filmed it, I think in 2016, but it was too early. Like the keywords that I was using on that video.

Yogi Bryan

I love that. Wow.


was kind of like way ahead of its time, but it’s a lot of like trauma and somatic stuff that’s now people are really interested in. So again, sometimes you never know, like when you’re creating a content collection, you might just be a little early to market or you might be late, like things can change. So I love that we’re talking, you know, really openly about the importance of data and this experimentation piece. Any other things you wanna say to prospective yoga teachers or those building a brand before we kind of just shift the focus to your book?

Yogi Bryan



before we close out.

Yogi Bryan

Yeah, I would just say like, whatever you’re doing out there, just be consistent with it. Again, just stick with it for 90 days, like how we’ve been talking about and stick with your content for 90 days, whether it’s growing a YouTube or Instagram, like all this stuff takes time. Like it really does. It takes time. And then you start to see your data, start to see what works honing in on your strengths. But yeah, that’s nine out of ten.

teachers or Content creators that I’ve tried to help it’s like yeah, you post two or three videos or two or three podcasts Of course, they’re not gonna blow up like nobody’s listening You know like all my whenever I go to like whenever I started a tick-tock. Nobody watched my stuff Nobody watched any of my stuff at first like it takes like some time and then one video picks up you’re like, okay That’s what I’ll keep doing. So it can just be consistent out there. Don’t give up

Don’t quit. Keep doing the podcast. Keep teaching the yoga class. Maybe nobody will show up. Then just keep teaching on that schedule.


I love that. And I just wanted to ask you, because I meant to ask it to you earlier, when you said you did the podcast consistently for 90 days recording those guided audios, were you recording a guided audio every day for 90 days?

Yogi Bryan

Yeah, pretty much every day. I think I did 30 days and like one blew up. That’s been my… formula. Yeah.


formula. Yeah. And I just want to really shout that out for folks because I mean, if I wanted to double down even more on YouTube, which I do, because I’ve gotten the business really humming now to a place where I think I can rededicate myself to that. Like I would make a YouTube video a day or I mean, that’s a little aggressive, but I might do every other day with some editing and just do that for 30 days and see. So guys, if you want to start a Tik Tok or start an Instagram, just be like, I have to post every day or for some of these short form content.

Yogi Bryan

Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yes.


platform, like do twice a day. Like you can screenshot a tweet as Brian just taught us and like post it. Like, um, so I just love that message. And then you don’t have to do it forever. I think that’s another thing people, they get too far ahead in their timeline and they’re like, well, do I really want to commit to this? And they think it’s like a 10 year marriage or something that they’re committing to. And it’s like, no, just go like crazy for 90 days. And, and something else I just wanted to shout out about your story before we, we close out was just that, you know, the thing that you felt was fun personally. Ended up really being the thing that took off. So I think, you know, yoga teachers, if you’re not having fun doing what you’re doing, like that’s a huge, that’s a huge problem. Um, cause a lot of times, not, I’m not saying a hundred percent of the time what you find funny or what you find fun will trend, but I tell the trainers in my, um, teacher trainings this too. I’m like, if you’re having fun, your students are having fun. So make sure you’re having fun, you know?

Yogi Bryan


Yogi Bryan

Yeah, yes, yeah, they can feel it. They can see it on camera. You know, they can feel it in the room. They really can, you know, and going back because I am. I want to say to anybody out there, like take an improv class, take an acting class. That really helped me be such a better teacher and a better content creator is just taking acting and taking improv, because then you’re like you’re controlling your own state.



Yogi Bryan

Because yeah, when you go on camera, like if I’m tired or whatever, like they’re gonna feel that. You know, they’re gonna feel, they, subconsciously they’re gonna feel that. Or your students are gonna feel it in the studio. They’re like, yeah, something’s just off about his tone of voice or his vibe. Yeah, that’s one of the best things I’ve ever done is take improv class. Yeah, the best thing.


That is such a great tip. I’ve never heard that tip on this podcast and I absolutely love it. It makes a lot of sense to me. So thank you for that. No, really. And I agree with you on the energy thing. Like I won’t even write emails if I’m not in a good mood. I’m like, the recipient will feel it. Right? So yeah, just finding that lit up energy. And before we let you go, tell everyone a little bit just about this book. The journey of the book, who’s it for, anything you particularly would suggest we focus on.

Yogi Bryan

You’re welcome.


I have looked at it, it has your personality all over it and really fun photos of you and your voice and just tell people also where they can get it and who the ideal person is. A lot of people listening own yoga studios too and I feel like this would be a really fun book to have in their studio.

Yogi Bryan

Oh, thank you. Yes, yeah, awesome. Yeah, it’s a really, I put a lot of comedy in it. Awesome, yeah, thanks for showing it there. Yeah, there’s, it’s a good book if you’re just starting or if you need a refresher on meditation. If you need to just get it to the basics too. You know, basics of breathing techniques, simple breathing techniques, how to sit in meditation.


I’m holding it up!

Yogi Bryan

You know, that’s when I first started, I’m like, I need a I need a shrine. Like, how am I going to sit with my legs? You know, do I need incense? And I overthought that whole process of meditation where it’s like, no, just sit on a chair or a meditation cushion or just lie down. So it gets you from not knowing what you’re doing to just easy entry level techniques that you can start your practice and, you know, give it some time to.

So we go through breathing techniques, how to sit, some mudras with your hands, what to do, different meditation techniques, because we’re all different, right? And I’ve, during my meditation journey, I do walking meditations, yoga nidra, so many. And it just really, you have to find what works for you, what type of meditation works for you, what works for you might not work for me. A walking meditation might work for you, or yoga might work for you, so.

It’s just, it’s for anybody that is just starting or if you want a funny refresher. Cause I really, I love Pima Children’s book, you know, How to Meditate. That’s a great book. It’s definitely not the vibe of my book. It’s just different. Like they’re both great books. Mine will just make you laugh a little bit and just give you a little bit more simple techniques and not go super deep, super deep. But yeah, that is the book. If you wanna have a good time, if you wanna learn how to meditate. Yeah.


Yes, I would totally, I would totally give this to my husband, this book. And, you know, I’m just open to page 114 and it’s like, you have 10 powerful mantras listed here, like Om Nama Shivaya, the Gayatri mantra, kind of what they mean. So I agree. Like this is just a great fun refresher, I think, for teachers as well. Um, and I’m assuming it’s available everywhere books are sold. Yes.

Yogi Bryan

Yeah, everywhere. Yeah, everywhere books are sold. Amazon, Barnes & Noble, yeah, anywhere online. And then I think it’s in some stores, yeah. But yeah, it’ll be out. I’m sure it’ll be out in Costco and Walmart here soon. But yeah.


That’s awesome. Well, everyone go follow at yogi underscore Brian right now so you can stay connected to him on Instagram. I’ll put that in the show notes and Brian, is there anything else you want to tell folks about where they can find you? I know we’ve kind of mentioned the names of all your platforms as we’ve been going along here, but if people just want more of you or to have you lull them to sleep because I’m like, I’m interested in this, like what is their next step to stay connected with you?

Yogi Bryan

Yeah, right? Yes. Yeah, you can just really just search Yogi Brian on Google and then all my stuff will come up there. Google’s been very good to me, so yeah. You can just find it there, Sleep with Yogi Brian app, my app to put you to sleep. Everything is on, a lot of the stuff’s on YouTube also, so yeah, you can see what works for you on there. Yeah, thanks for having me, Brett.

Thanks so much.

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