crystals for chakras

If you love the seven chakras as much as I do then you are always looking for ways to enhance your practice with them. Whether it’s chanting to open up the throat chakra or doing some hip circles to get my sacral chakra moving, I love incorporating chakra work into not just my practice but my everyday life. 

One quick easy way to work with your chakras all day long is by using crystals. Yep! Those precious gems can help bring energy to specific chakras and lead to balance. The best part, not only can you use them on the mat but you can take them with you wherever you go! 

How Are Crystals And Chakras Related?

Crystals and chakras are related through the belief that specific healing crystals can help balance and align the body’s chakras, which are energy centers that influence physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Each chakra is associated with particular colors and energies, and crystals of corresponding colors and properties are thought to enhance the flow of energy in those areas.

Using crystals for chakras can be a powerful tool for personal growth and healing. By placing healing stones on or near the chakras during meditation or yoga, you can enhance your energetic alignment, promote emotional balance, and deepen their connection to their inner self. Since your chakras affect your physical body as well as your emotional and energetic bodies, adding healing stones to balance these energy centers can contribute to the full spectrum of healing.

A chakra balancing practice that combines the natural vibrational qualities of crystals with the ancient wisdom of chakra healing is a fun and holistic approach to well-being.

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How Are Chakra Crystals Used?

Chakra crystals are generally used by placing them on or near where the chakra is located on the body in order to help balance and align the energy centers, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. These crystals are typically chosen based on their color and properties, which correspond to specific chakras, and are often used during meditation, yoga, or energy healing practices.

Part of the power of chakra crystals comes from intention as well. You can not only connect with your energy centers, but enhance personal healing and self-awareness as well. By intentionally using these crystals, you can amplify your meditation practice, deepen your connection to your energy centers, and foster a more balanced and harmonious state of being.

And you don’t necessarily have to place it where the chakra is located! For example; if you are looking to bring more self confidence to your solar plexus chakra in preparation for something like a job interview; simply carry the healing crystal in your pocket or purse with the intention that the chakra is balanced.

Whether used in a structured practice or simply carried throughout the day, chakra crystals are a tangible tool for energetic alignment and holistic well-being.

Benefits Of Using Crystals To Clear Chakras

There are various benefits to using crystals to clear your chakras. Keep in mind most of this is based on anecdotal evidence rather than academic research. But, sometimes first hand experience can be the greatest authority. Here are some commonly reported benefits:

  • Enhanced Meditation: Placing crystals on chakras during meditation can help focus the mind and deepen the meditative experience by providing a tangible connection to each energy center.
  • Emotional Balance: Specific crystals like rose quartz (associated with the heart chakra) are believed to help release emotional blockages, promoting feelings of love and compassion.
  • Stress Relief: Crystals such as amethyst (linked to the third eye chakra) are thought to calm the mind and reduce stress, encouraging relaxation and clarity.
  • Improved Energy Flow: Regular use of crystals in chakra work is said to enhance the overall flow of energy within the body, potentially leading to greater vitality and well-being.
  • Personal Empowerment: Many people use crystals to reinforce positive intentions and affirmations, aiding in personal growth and self-awareness.

Why do you feel these benefits? Well, the Curie brothers discovered that certain crystals emit piezoelectricity in the late 1800s. So, while the science is limited to support how crystals work or what exactly they do, in theory the electrical currents they emit can send certain energy to our bodies. 

And even though science claims a lot of how crystals work is through the placebo effect the use of crystals in chakra work continues to be popular. This is due to the perceived spiritual and emotional benefits they offer to practitioners.

Take my chakra quiz to find your dominant chakra:

Which Crystals Match The Seven Chakras?

Traditionally, each of the seven chakras within the chakra system is believed to be associated with certain crystals. These specific healing stones are believed to enhance the energy flow and balance within each of the chakras. Generally you can figure out which crystal is associated with which chakra by its color. So if you know each chakra’s corresponding color you can easily match a crystal to it. 

With that said here are some of the recommended crystals for each chakra:

First Chakra – Root Chakra

Your root chakra, muladhara (Sanskrit word), is associated with safety and grounding energy. The root chakra sits at the base of the spine and is connected with the lower body.  If you have an unbalanced root chakra you may feel restless and anxious. A balanced root chakra leaves you feeling comfortable and safe with your surroundings. Associated with the color red; root chakra stones include:

Red Jasper

Red Jasper is commonly used to ground and stabilize the Root Chakra. It promotes a sense of security and connection to the earth and offers feelings of protection.


Hematite brings harmony in times of stress or instability. Its strong connection to the earth can ground your energy to the physical world, making it a great choice for a balanced root chakra.


A popular stone among root chakra crystals, garnet is also a protective stone that is said to improve self-esteem, promote healthy choices and a positive outlook. 

Fire Agate

This fiery stone repels negative energy from outside forces. It connects you with your life force energy and helps eliminate fear.

Second Chakra – Sacral Chakra

Your sacral chakra, svadhisthana, is your space of creativity. Often associated with the color orange, when your sacral chakra is unbalanced it can affect your sexual energies, cause extreme emotional responses(either in expressing them or shutting them down), and cause physical problems in the area surrounding your pelvis. Sacral chakra stones include:


Carnelian is known for energizing the Sacral Chakra, promoting creative and sexual energies and bringing emotional balance. It boosts confidence and helps you to overcome fear.


Amber stimulates natural healing abilities and encourages romance. It is known to bring life and vitality and some even believe it can enhance beauty.

Orange Calcite

Orange calcite promotes creativity and exploration of new endeavors by breaking up old patterns. It also promotes positive emotions and sexual energy.

Are you starting to see the common themes in these stones that relate to the sacral chakra?


Sunstone brings joy and encourages you to discover your true passions in life. It works to create a balanced sacral chakra because the second chakra is your center of passion and emotion. Sunstone also clears negative energies and promotes emotional balance.

Third Chakra – Solar Plexus Chakra

The third chakra, manipura, is your source of motivation and willpower. This chakra is located in the upper abdomen and is where you take action on the passions/desires of your sacral chakra. When you have a balanced solar plexus chakra you feel like you are taking aligned action in your life. If your solar plexus chakra is out of balance you may have trouble making decisions, struggle with boundaries and digestive issues. Yellow like the sun, chakra stones for the solar plexus include:


Citrine is a stone representing abundance and success in your endeavors. It helps to boost confidence, personal power, and motivation.

Yellow Calcite

Also a stone to uplift your personal power and motivation; yellow citrine will clear stagnant energy and bring positivity to your life.

Tiger’s Eye

The protective tiger’s eye clears negativity and instills courage and confidence. It also promotes mental clarity, enhances confidence and brings abundance. 

Yellow Jasper

Yellow jasper energizes the third chakra. Also a protective stone, it brings confidence and joy. It works towards mental clarity for its user and encourages strength through difficult situations. 

Fourth Chakra – Heart Chakra

Your fourth chakra, anahata chakra represents love, compassion, and healing. It is also a space for boundaries and release. If you have an unbalanced heart chakra you may experience tension in the upper body. You might have feelings of depression or jealousy and feel a constant need for validation. This could lead to being codependent on others or having a fear of intimacy. A balanced heart chakra has you feeling deeply connected to those around you. You are in harmony with your boundaries and secure in your relationships. Heart chakra stones, usually green or pink, include:

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz, also known as the heart stone, encourages love, compassion, and emotional healing. It promotes harmony and healing within relationships encouraging communication, empathy, and understanding.

Green Aventurine

Green aventurine brings you comfort and harmony. It promotes self-love and self-compassion. This stone is also considered one of great luck; bringing abundance, prosperity and positivity to your life.


Emeralds represent new beginnings, love and truth. They are believed to bring you emotional healing and intuition. They are also associated with wealth and royalty.


Rhodonite is a stone to help you recover from heartache and activate compassion and forgiveness. It promotes understanding and dispels anger helping you to feel secure and calm. 

Fifth Chakra – Throat Chakra

The fifth chakra, vishuddha, is the color blue and associated with communication/expression. An unbalanced throat chakra can lead to thyroid disorders or tension in the jaw. It can lead to a lack of self-confidence and defensiveness or communication problems. When you have a balanced throat chakra you can communicate your ideas and desires clearly. You feel confident and creative. Some throat chakra stones you can incorporate into your practice are:

Blue Lace Agate

Blue Lace Agate promotes strong communication and articulation. It is associated with tranquility and relieving negative thoughts. This is a stone you might want to carry with you if you have to speak in a public forum.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli builds confidence and represents inner truth. It is believed to help clear the mind of negative thoughts and activate a desire for knowledge and truth.


Amazonite removes fear of judgment and represents the courage to speak truth. It helps with mental clarity and increases feelings of self-worth. It’s also said to bring you good luck and fortune.


Turquoise harnesses your creativity and encourages honest, eloquent expression. It is also believed that turquoise brings inspiration and stabilizes moods.

Sixth Chakra – Third Eye Chakra

Sixth chakra, ajna, is the seat of your intuition. A balanced third eye chakra means you have heightened intuition and the ability to see the “big picture”. A sixth chakra that is out of balance can lead to feeling scatterbrained, disconnected from others, or even paranoid/delusional. Often a purple color, third eye chakra crystals include:


Amethyst is known to relieve anxiety and increase intuition and spiritual awareness. It promotes inner peace and offers emotional protection. This is a great stone to encourage your personal growth.


This beautiful stone is associated with the astral body, mystical realms, and magic. It is said to strengthen intuition and psychic abilities and calm the monkey mind.


Fluorite helps with memory and improves focus. It can open third eye chakra to bring balance, harmony, & improve intuition. It can even help improve sleep.


Lepidolite works to bring balance to the mind and spirit. It calms anxiety and depression and helps you transition through change with grace.

Seventh Chakra – Crown Chakra

Your seventh chakra, sahasrara, is your space of inner wisdom and connection to a higher power. A balanced crown chakra gives you a feeling of wholeness and being complete. When this energy center is not balanced you may suffer from headaches and poor sleep. You may also experience confusion, apathy, or depression. Some powerful healing crown chakra stones are:

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz, the “master healer”, is believed to enhance spiritual growth, clarity, and higher consciousness. It clears the mind of negativity and has been said to bring healing to a number of different ailments.


Moonstone is said to promote hormonal balance and brings hope and inspiration to its user. It is also believed to have a strong connection with the Divine Feminine. 


Howlite promotes a clear mind and enhances wisdom and awareness. It clears your mind of negative energy and encourages patience and perspective.


Selenite is known to clear energy fields and can enhance the healing properties of different healing stones. It clears negative energies and promotes peace of mind. This stone is often used during meditation to connect with higher consciousness.

You may find some stones have healing vibrations for multiple chakras within the chakra system. That’s because the body’s energy centers can overlap. It is a system that works together and is interwoven. Healing crystals can hold multiple properties that connect the different centers of this psychic energy system.

Closing Thoughts

Whether you want to place a crystal on its corresponding chakra during savasana or wear them around your neck while running errands, adding crystal healing to your practice can be a fun way to amp things up. You can choose different crystals for their colors and healing properties, aligning with the traditional understanding of the chakras’ vibrational frequencies. Or, you can choose one based on whatever intention you want to work with.

Next Steps:

  • Explore my Chakras knowledge hub to learn more about the Chakras from the blog.
  • Check out my YouTube channel and find some yoga classes that you can try out for yourself!
  • Join Uplifted for exclusive chakra content that you can access right from the app. Take a deep dive into your practice with me this year!
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