What would it feel like to open up to your desires? To the things that bring your pleasure? To feel completely at ease in your own skin? If you’ve been following, you now know that these are attributes of your sacral chakra energy center. Whether you want to finally...
Do you ever get so overwhelmed or frustrated that you feel like you just can’t find the right words to express yourself? Like you literally feel a choking sensation trying to communicate? Then you notice some neck pain or shoulder pain? When you can’t seem...
Let me ask you some personal questions! Be honest. How driven are you feeling? Could you take over the world or barely get out of bed? How is your digestion recently? Multiple bowel movements a day or not even once a day? These questions are answered by the energy of...
Opening throat chakra symptoms can be a liberating experience. To understand what that looks and feels like, let’s take some time to understand how the throat chakra works and how to recognize balances, imbalances, and opening throat chakra symptoms. What Is The...
Ever wonder why sometimes you want security (stable job, home, marriage, etc.) yet also want the freedom to just be (alone time, travel, no schedule)🤔? You want excitement, but also routine. And it feels like you’ve got a whole lot of back and forth going on😖? Welcome...
You’ve made it to the top of the rainbow bridge🌈 (the seven chakras). Congratulations, you’ve gone through the first six chakras and are ready for the final step to Universal Consciousness, the Crown Chakra. Did you know, not only will you receive Divine Energy...