What is a Life Coach? 21 Ways a Life Coach Can Help You

What is a Life Coach? 21 Ways a Life Coach Can Help You

As humans, we tend to believe the old narrative that there are external forces keeping us from achieving our goals. We lean toward a negative self-appraisal of why we aren’t accomplishing our dreams, and struggle with identifying actionable steps to get us where we...
How To Manifest What You Want, Right Now

How To Manifest What You Want, Right Now

It’s true. “Manifesting” has become an over-used yoga word, almost as worn as “mindfulness.” Yet today, I want to tell you about how I manifested a BIG personal victory. My hope is that it inspires YOU toward your next win. Manifesting is...
Best Myofascial Release Tools for Self Myofascial Release

Best Myofascial Release Tools for Self Myofascial Release

I used to be a very selfish person. I’m still selfish. Before, I was selfish about petty, stupid things, like not wanting to share a bite of my food or refusing to lend roommates my nice clothes. My friends used to laugh at me and attribute it to the fact that I was...