Kundalini yoga is a yoga practice that I hold near and dear to my heart. It has been one of my favorite practices for years. But after working so long with kundalini kriyas, breathing practices, and energy channels; I realized that this practice has become extremely...
If you’ve done kundalini yoga with me on YouTube, chances are you’ve done seated torso circles a.k.a. Sufi grind pose. This grounding pose is one of my favorite moves to release the low back, strengthen abdominal muscles, massage the internal organs, and just feel...
Kundalini yoga isn’t just about physical poses—it’s a practice that awakens the energy within you, bringing balance to every part of your being: your body, mind, and spirit. One of the core aspects of Kundalini is working with the chakras, the seven energy centers...
Do you ever get angry? Of course you do! It’s a normal emotion that occurs in life. The bigger question is, are you holding on to that anger? Are you still stewing about the guy who cut you off during your morning commute at dinner time? Or ticked at you dad for...
Do you feel disconnected? Maybe everything you do just isn’t syncing up. It’s all juuust missing the mark? There is a well loved mantra in Kundalini yoga called Guru Gaitri (also referred to as Guru Gayatri, Gobinday Mukunday, Gobinday Mukanday, or Gobinde...
You’ve probably heard of divine feminine energy But what is divine love? That’s a question that people have been trying to answer since ancient times. From the original yogis of centuries ago to seekers of the present, so many of us want to tap into this...