The 3 Archetypes: Yoga Personality Types & Choosing A YTT

The 3 Archetypes: Yoga Personality Types & Choosing A YTT

What is your yoga personality? Are you the caring, compassionate Healer? The strong and empowering Queen? Or the motherly and protective Matriarch?  These three archetypes embody distinct qualities and energies that can enhance and deepen your yoga journey. ...
Uplifted Yoga Teacher Training vs Akasha Yoga Academy

Uplifted Yoga Teacher Training vs Akasha Yoga Academy

Gosh, doesn’t it feel good? To finally decide to follow your bliss (or borderline obsession LOL) and decide to take your practice to the next level?  I’m so excited for you as a 200-hour training will absolutely change your life! (If you’re still a bit confused...
Uplifted vs Ithaca Farm: Which YTT Is Right For You?

Uplifted vs Ithaca Farm: Which YTT Is Right For You?

So, you’re considering doing a 200-hour yoga teacher training? Can we first just pause, let that sink in, and say… HOLY COW! That’s amazing!  I mean it’s kind of a big deal, right?  To make space in your busy life, follow your passion, and become a student...
Uplifted Yoga Teacher Training vs Drishti Beats

Uplifted Yoga Teacher Training vs Drishti Beats

Feeling a small yet present tension in your chest?  Have the sense that your brain might just actually explode?  You most likely have what I call: YTT Search Overload. Don’t worry, it’s a fully normal part of the process! I know you thought the hardest part...