In yoga, we often talk about stoking our internal fire to awaken prana. This is in part why people love vinyasa flow so much. You know – the same people who love a daily 5-mile jog and core work. We -(yes, I am one of you) love to feel the burn and know we’re...
Ah! The beautiful journey of becoming a yogi! You’ve been practicing asanas, doing breathing exercises, and chanting mantras. But you’re not there yet. The physical aspect of yoga is just the tip of the iceberg. Now, you’re learning all this stuff about your astral...
(Parsovtannasana): Techniques, Benefits, Variations Level – Intermediate Pyramid Pose (Parsovtannasana) Pyramid Pose Prep & Practice 1 Beginning in Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I), right leg forward, left leg back, hands on hips. Right toes (front foot) pointed...
In this post Where Does Pranayama Breathing Come From?What Are The Benefits of Pranayama?The Three Phases of Pranayama Breathing10 Types of Pranayama Breathing (With Instructions)1. Nadi Sodhana2. Ujjayi Pranayama3. Kapalabhati Pranayama4. Bhramari Pranayama5. Sheetli...
You know those yogic breathing exercises that your yoga instructor always talks about? Well, there’s a big reason why they’re incorporated into every yoga class. In fact, they are just as important as the ‘yoga’ that you’re doing....
Ever feel stressed or anxious? Yea, me too. While we may not be able to eliminate stress in our lives, we can learn how to respond to it more effectively. For me, one of the most direct ways to stay centered during times of stress and anxiety is by working with my...