I put together this SUPER fun free chakra test to help you find out which of your main chakras are blocked and which are dominant to figure out how to get these balanced.
It’s quick, easy, and will help you learn more about your subtle body and how it affects all aspects of your life, from the physical, emotional and even spiritual aspects.
So much of yoga today focuses on the asana practice, which is limited to the physical body. But SO much of yoga, according to the eight limbs of yoga, is focused on the subtle body, which is your energetic body.
And if your yoga practice doesn’t take care of your subtle body then you’re really missing out.
Because so much of what you experience each day as human beings, from physical feelings to your very personality, is influenced by the health of your seven chakras themselves. If your chakras are out of balance or blocked, then life force energy cannot move through your body.
When that happens, things can start to go a little funky. Depending on where the imbalance is, it can affect digestive issues, your emotional stability, your focus, or even your relationships.
Balancing your chakras can help with that 🙂
Take this free chakra test and then scroll to the bottom of the post to learn more about your dominant chakra.
Take my chakra test to find your dominant chakra:
So how did you do on this chakra test? Need some balance in some of those seven chakras?
Don’t worry, we all do.
The seven major chakras sit along our spine and serve as a sort of highway for Kundalini energy to rise up through us from the Earth into the Great Divine. They work like energy centers that help push spiritual energy along the spine. Depending on which chakra type is dominant or blocked, energy can get stuck somewhere along this pathway.
That’s why balancing your chakras is such a powerful thing to do.
It is like eating fruits and vegetables for your spirit and soul.
Whether you want to open your chakras, connect with your intuition, or learn how to come from a place of love, the very first step is to learn more about your dominant chakra type.
Take a look at the seven main chakras in the chakra system below and click on whichever chakra type that you’d like to learn more about.
Muladhara, the Root Chakra
Your root chakra is what connects you to life force energy in the Earth and keeps you grounded and steady. When this chakra is balanced, you feel secure and steady in who you are and where you are going. However, when there is an imbalance in this chakra, you may experience extreme volatility in your emotions. Because this is like the gateway chakra to Kundalini energy, it is one of the more important chakras to heal before the other chakras. When you open the chakras, energy first needs to flow through the Muladhara chakra, so it’s important to keep is clear and healthy.
Learn more about the root chakra.
Svadisthana, the Sacral Chakra
If your sacral chakra is dominant, then you are not afraid of your sexuality or your ability to experience pleasure. You have healthy boundaries, yet you love to nurture yourself and others. Self love is not an issue for you. However, if it’s blocked, then you may tend to feel an immense amount of guilt, have problems with boundaries, and may even find yourself with an addictive personality.
Learn more about the sacral chakra.
ManiPura, the Solar Plexus Chakra
When your solar plexus chakra is dominant, then you are likely confident in who you are and not afraid to show it! Others might even gravitate toward your fun-loving nature. However, if it’s blocked, then you might experience shame, fear, stubbornness, or even an intense urge to control things in your life. Because this chakra is at your core, it’s often the drive that pushes you forward. Healing this chakra can help you find a sense of balance in your entire life, not just your chakras.
Learn more about the solar plexus chakra.
Anahata, the Heart Chakra
Your heart chakra is where unconditional love resides and when there is balance and harmony in the heart chakra, then there is likely balance, joy and harmony in your daily life. If this chakra center is blocked or not functioning properly, then you might experience grief and heartache. Loss and unrequited love can cause jealousy and resentment. Balancing the heart chakra is important to experience compassion and be able to not only give but receive love as well.
Learn more about the heart chakra.
Vishuddi, the Throat Chakra
Your throat chakra is, as you might expect, where your voice and ability to communicate resides. When the throat chakra center is flowing freely, you may feel as if you can stand up for yourself and speak the truth clearly. When it is blocked, however, it might feel as if you can’t stay true to yourself or speak your mind clearly.
Learn more about the throat chakra.
Ajna, the Third Eye Chakra
If your third eye chakra is dominant, then you are connected with your intuition, consciousness and creativity. If it is not balanced, though, then you might be living in a state of illusion. Depending on your current situation, a blocked third eye can make for a very confusing experience.
Learn about the third eye chakra.
Sahasrara, Crown Chakra
The crown chakra is what connects you to the spiritual world and energy of the Great Divine. With this open chakra, you may be very open-minded and connected to your intuition and spirituality. You might experience vital energy throughout all of the chakra energy centers, feeling as if you’re thoughts and actions are perfectly aligned with your greater purpose. And if it’s blocked. Then you may be too attached to your thoughts and feel confusion about what is reality and what is in your mind. Blockages in the crown chakra take you out of the present as you can’t get out of your own head.
Learn more about the crown chakra.
Try this kundalini class for balance in all seven chakras:
You can learn more about specific chakra imbalance symptoms in this post and don’t forget all of the amazing chakra resources in Uplifted!!
Next Steps:
- Explore my Chakras knowledge hub to learn more about the Chakras from the blog.
- Check out my YouTube channel and find some yoga classes that you can try out for yourself!
- Join Uplifted for exclusive chakra content that you can access right from the app. Take a deep dive into your practice with me this year!
- Kundalini Yoga for Chakras: An Uplifted Guide to Energy Balance
- Chakra Dance: An Intuitive Way To Move Energy
- Crystals For Chakras: Unlock Your Energy and Balance
- Third Eye Chakra Blocked Symptoms & Healing Techniques
- Third Eye Chakra Opening Symptoms And How To Open Your Sixth Chakra
- Opening Crown Chakra Symptoms And How To Balance Sahasrara Chakra
- Opening Root Chakra Symptoms And How To Balance Muladhara
- Symptoms Of Heart Chakra Opening And How To Balance Anahata Chakra
- Sacral Chakra Awakening Symptoms And How To Balance Svadhisthana Chakra
- Blocked Throat Chakra Symptoms & Healing Techniques
- Physical Symptoms Of Solar Plexus Chakra Opening
- Opening Throat Chakra Symptoms And How To Balance Vishuddha Chakra
- Heart Chakra Blocked Symptoms & Healing Techniques
- Chakra Opening Symptoms: Signs You’re Unblocking Your Chakras
- Dominant Chakra Test: Which Chakras Are Out Of Balance?
- Blocked Sacral Chakra Symptoms & Healing Techniques
- Root Chakra Blockage Symptoms & How To Unblock It
- 7 Chakra Imbalance Symptoms: Energetic, Physical, And Emotional
- Solar Plexus Blocked Symptoms And How To Balance
- Samana Vayu: The Energy of Balance & How to Access It
- 15 Crown Chakra Affirmations to Embody Your Highest Self
- 15 Third Eye Chakra Affirmations to Deepen Spiritual Insight
- 15 Throat Chakra Affirmations for Confident Communication
- 15 Heart Chakra Affirmations to Unlock Unconditional Love
- 15 Sacral Chakra Affirmations for Joy & Emotional Healing
- 15 Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations to Activate Personal Power
- 15 Root Chakra Affirmations for Essential Wellbeing
- What is the 8th Chakra and How Can We Tap Into It?
- What Are Nadis? Your Guide to Energy Channels In Your Body.
- Everything You Need To Know About Using Healing Stones
- Chakra Yoga: The Best Yoga Poses To Balance Your 7 Chakras
- What Are The Chakras And Kundalini Energy Flow? Here Is My Complete Breakdown.
- 35 Powerful Chakra Affirmations For Major Healing & Balancing
- Bija Mantras: The Chakra Mantras and Their Sounds
- The 7 Chakra Symbols Explained: Their Meaning & Shapes [+PICTURES]