Kundalini Mantra For Manifestation

Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad is a mantra sure to make you feel empowered. There’s a reason it’s often called the Magic Mantra!

The sound vibrations created when you chant this mantra are said to be healing, remove mental obstacles, and elevate your consciousness. Through this work with your Kundalini energy you align with the “One Creator” (God, the Universe, etc.) and it’s considered a master key to the cosmos, the entire universe. With this alignment, negative energy inside of you is alleviated and your intuition is heightened.

Considered one of the most powerful mantras, it’s important that you treat Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad with reverence. This is because the mantra is believed to amplify the effects of your words and thoughts.

Think SERIOUS manifestation potential.

You want to make sure this is used for the best intentions of yourself and others. Aim to maintain elevated thoughts after you practice this mantra so you don’t amplify a wrong or negative word or thought.

Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad Meaning

The Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad mantra (also called the Siri Mantra) is said to contain the essence of the entire Siri Guru Granth Sahib (a Sikh religious text). Some people even consider the entire Siri Guru Granth Sahib to be nothing more than an explanation of this mantra.

Let’s break down each syllable to better understand their individual meaning:

Ek: One

Ong: Creator (the creative consciousness of God)

Kar: Creation

Sat: Truth

Gur: Guru or teacher

Prasad: Grace

Together, this mantra is often translated to mean:

“There is one Creator of all Creation. This truth is known through the grace of the Guru”


“God and We are One. I know this by the grace of the True Guru.”

And remember, here at Uplifted, we know that Guru means so much more than the common depiction of a teacher. Gu means “darkness” and Ru means “light”.  In this way, you can think of Guru as exemplifying a bestower of light, a remover from darkness. A guide.

You are meant to follow your inner guide as you are one with the universe, source, God. What you need to know is within you. Work with this mantra to quiet outside chatter and strengthen your connection with yourself and source.

Want to learn more about the Uplifted approach to Kundalini? Join us in Kundalini University, our Kundalini 200 HR Teacher Training. You may also enjoy my Kundalini Demystified course.

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Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad: A Pritam Mantra of the Highest Love

Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad is a pritam mantra. Pritam is a Sanskrit word that when translated is separated into two parts: pri means “love” and tam indicates a superlative level, essentially meaning that something is the best or the greatest, perhaps even transcendent or unrivaled.

Considered in this way, pritam exemplifies the expression of the grandest, unrivaled love. This serves as another example for how positively powerful Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad can be for you to practice with. You are settling into a meditative moment with transcendent love.


Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad Benefits

There are many potential benefits of working with the Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad mantra. Some of these benefits include:

  • Increased clarity
  • Expanded awareness
  • Heightened intuition
  • A sense of connection with the divine

Mystical Benefits of the Magic Mantra

Remember how I mentioned that Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad is also called the Magic Mantra? It’s said to have a mystical benefit – the ability to take negative thought and reverse it to be positive. This is even reflected in the mirrored phrasing of the mantra that is used in many medititations.

A negative thought may enter your consciousness: “Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad.”

And transform to a more pure or uplifted state: “Sat Gur Prasad Ek Ong Kar.”

Ek Ong Kaar Sat Gur Prasad

Sat Gur Prasad Ek Ong Kaar.

God and We are One.
I know this by the Grace of the True Guru.
I know this by the Grace of the True Guru.
God and We are One.

pranayama breathing

Siri Mantra Benefits Heightened Consciousness

Additionally, Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad (the Siri Mantra) is believed to assist each cell of the body to become fully conscious. Through practice with this mantra, each pore of the body is said to feel as if it is an all-seeing eye as intuition and consciousness are expanded.

This occurrence is discussed in relation to Indra Nittri, which translates to “the eyes of Indra.” Indra is an all-seeing Hindu god who is covered with 1,000 eyes to represent his omniscience. Look below for the Indra Nittri Meditation to explore working with this energy.

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How To Meditate With “Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad” Mantra

There are many variations of meditations that utilize the Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad mantra. I will provide a few for you below. As always, feel free as you’re inspired to work with this mantra in your own way. You may like to pair this mantra practice with different variations of Kundalini mudras.

Whatever you choose to do, please remember: your intention has a huge effect on the healing work you do. With this mantra, it is even more important. It’s the only mantra that comes with a warning to maintain positive thoughts due to it’s power to amplify. 

Prepare to Practice Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad

In addition to beginning your practice by tuning in with the Adi Mantra it’s recommended that you chant the Mangala Charan Mantra to help you situate yourself in a sacred space before practicing Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad due to the perceived power of this mantra. Remember to maintain reverence as you chant and after you complete your practice, keep your thoughts and words positive as you will be in a heightened state of manifestation.

If you’re curious to learn more of my favorite tips to amplify your tune-in, check out my free workshop, Refine Your Tune In.

Are You Chanting Correctly? Refine Your Tune with Me! 👇

Are You Chanting Correctly? Refine Your Tune with Me!

    Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad Meditation Variations

    The Master Key Meditation

    Posture: Sit comfortably in Easy Pose, spine straight, hands rest on the knees.

    Eyes: Closed.

    Mantra: Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad, Sat Gur Prasad Ek Ong Kar.

    When you chant Ek Ong Kar you will incorporate your navel point (solar plexus chakra). On Ek Ong, your navel goes in; on Kar, your navel goes out. Sat Gur Prasad is recited naturally with no additional movement.

    Chant the mantra in an unbroken rhythm.

    To Complete: Inhale and hold the breath. Exhale and relax. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself.

    Time: Continue for 3 – 11 minutes.

    easy pose Sukhasana

    Meditation with the Magic Mantra

    Posture: Sit comfortably in Easy Pose, spine straight.

    Mudra: Raise both of your hands and hold them at the same level as your heart, palms face up with elbows relaxed at your sides. Bring the sides of your hands together, gently touching from the base of the palms to the tips of the pinky (Mercury) fingers. While your hands should form a shallow cup shape with all the fingers held together softly, you can allow your thumbs to open up naturally away from your hands.

    It’s important to keep the “line of Mercury” connected (pinky fingers to the base of the palms) as it is said that this maintains communication between the left and right hand, the Ida and Pingala.

    Eyes: Closed. Imagine that you can look into your cupped hands.

    Mantra: Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad.

    Chant in a monotone at your own pace.

    To Complete: Maintain the mudra, inhale and hold the breath. Exhale and relax. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself.

    Time: Continue for 3 – 31 minutes.

    Indra Nittri Meditation

    Posture: Sit comfortably in Easy Pose, spine straight and chest lifted. 

    Mudra: With a strong grip, hold on to your knees firmly with your hands.

    Eyes: Closed (option to have eyes 1/10th open). Focus at the third eye.

    Mantra: Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad, Sat Gur Prasad Ek Ong Kar.

    Your navel point comes in on Ek and is released on Kar. 

    Engage Jalandhara bandh with Sat Gur and release on Parsad.

    Notice the movements of your tongue as you chant in a steady rhythm.

    To Complete: Maintain the mudra, inhale and hold the breath. Exhale and relax. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself.

    Time: Continue for 3 – 62 minutes.

    Closing Thoughts

    Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad is a mantra with a lot of potential to raise positive vibration and awareness. It is definitely worth experimenting with. Just remember, not all practices and mantras will work for everyone. There may be others that work better for you.

    I recommend also checking out the Adi Shakti Mantra, The Thunderbolt Mantra and the Aquarian Mantras (including the Mool Mantra) for their powerful potential. You may also enjoy a meditation that I have available for you over on my YouTube channel, Manifest Your Vision.

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