The very first question you have as a life coach is how to get clients for life coaching. You want to start your coaching practice, and this is the real deal for you! You want to make it work, and you are so motivated to serve others & help them, guide them, support them in whatever capacity you have chosen. Below I have provided some tools to help you get started.
If you are like me, seeing everything all at once can be overwhelming. Please know up front that these are simply tools. I suggest you take 2-3 of these tools to get started on, and adjust as needed from there. If you try to do everything all at once, you will burn out. There is only one of you, and doing it all, all the time, is not sustainable for anyone. 💃🏻
Understanding the Life Coaching Industry
The life coaching industry has been on an upward incline throughout the last couple decades, and projections show that the demand for coaches will continue to go up. Life coaches fall into 1 of 3 main categories:
- Professional/ Business/ Corporate Coaches
- Spiritual Coaches
- Health/ Fitness Coaches
From this list of large categories, coaches can be found in all shapes & sizes as well as various branches of certification. So, long story short… If there is a niche you can identify that you would benefit from, the odds are in your favor. There is most often a coach out there targeting your niche that is just waiting to work with you! 🤩

Is it Hard to Find Clients as a Life Coach?
The answer to this is tricky because the answer is both yes & no. There are several factors to consider when it comes to the ease of getting clients for life coaching business. Here’s a hint: it is not as easy as many life coaching schools lead their students to believe. But, here they are:
- Your coaching niche – some niches are in higher demand than others. However, this does not mean you should change yours. You are called to serve a particular audience, so stick with it. Don’t change your purpose just to follow the clients.
- How well you market yourself/marketing strategy – this doesn’t have to be anything huge or expensive, but it does have to exist. You should have a plan in place that is somewhat broad making it easier to adjust as needed once you start playing around with getting clients.
- Your messaging– know exactly who you are talking to & then speak to that person every time. Yes, I said ‘person’. In order to attract coaching clients, especially to attract coaching clients online, you have to be able to speak to their pain points, but also let them know what the benefits (results) are of working with you as a coach.
- Your reach/collaborations – I am an introvert, so when I first heard this as a suggestion, I was like there is no way. That is not aligned with me. However, when I embraced at least trying it, it opened my eyes to a whole new way to reach potential coaching clients fast. By working with others, even if it is someone else in your niche, you are allowing yourself exposure to your audience & theirs.
There are many more factors, but in my experience, these are the 4 main areas where you want to ensure you are well developed & focused in order to make finding clients less difficult, and be one of the successful coaches 😍. I will discuss these more later.
How Do People Find Life Coaches?
People find coaches in a variety of ways, with most of those being online, as many coaches find their paying coaching clients & get people to refer clients online. These online platforms include, but are not limited to:
A word of caution about websites like Bark & Thumbtack: you do have to pay as a coach to be able to reply to people seeking coaches. It is free to set up a profile, but in order to contact ideal clients, or be granted access to their personal information including email & phone number, you will have to pay to get “credits” Each lead costs a certain amount of “credits”. Thus, the cost is often less than the follow through you will receive.
People also find life coaches via:
- Networking Events
- Writing Guest posts on other coach’s, or industry leaders’ blogs- this will also help you pull up more often in search engine optimization when ideal coaching clients search your name, which will aid your credibility.
- Collaboration with other industry professionals
- Public Speaking
- Chamber Meetings including asking to be the key speaker
- Any other place where you can gain 1 to 1 time with people, and also gain credibility, which will lead to clients and/ or referrals.
Marketing Yourself as a Life Coach: Effective Strategies
Marketing yourself as a life coach to get more coaching clients tends to be the most difficult part of starting your life coaching business. This is simply because there are so many coaches, and oftentimes one of several things will happen:
- people will narrow down their choices from one of about the first 10-15 coaches they come across that work with the goals they are trying to accomplish
- they will use a coach a friend has referred (word of mouth)
- they will use a coach they have been following on social media for a while
- they will get too overwhelmed & decide coaching is not actually for them.
🧘🏻♀️ So here is a provided breakdown of how to make marketing yourself online a little bit easier.
Nailing Your Value Proposition
The easiest way to explain this is to simply say that nailing your value proposition means you need to know who your target audience (niche group) is, and you must have very clear, specific messaging so that when your target audience reads your messaging, they feel as though you are speaking directly to them.
Step One: Determine who your target audience / niche group will be.
Consider yourself for a moment, and decide where you think you can best help people. Do you think you can serve potential clients best by being a parenting coach, spiritual coach, relationship coach, soulmate coach, fertility coach, etc?
⭐️ Tip! If you are stuck on this part, and you do what many coaches do when they are fresh from their certification program, this is your current thought: “Well, I’m a certified coach. I can and want to help anyone that needs help in whatever way they need help.” This thought, while noble & I have no doubt you are capable of this, is not feasible. So, everyone is your prospective life coaching clients? Essentially, if you begin speaking to everyone, you will be speaking to no one. Your audience will want to feel like you are speaking to them specifically. ⭐️
Step Two: Identify specific pain points
To elaborate on the tip from Step One, here is what that looks like:
- Identify their pain points
- Identify how they are going to feel after working with you
- EX: You just gave birth to your first child, and when you brought Baby home, your whole routine/ schedule/life was a complete chaotic mess. Well, using your coaching methods you have developed while working through your certification course, you have devised a way to bring balance back into your life. So, you decide to bring this strategy into your coaching business. You decide other women with this same issue are going to be your niche, and your marketing strategy is to speak to those women, and talk to them about how you have a very unique method to bring the balance back.
- Identify this in broad terms (freedom, clarity, inner peace, etc)Begin to narrow those large concepts into clear real life situations.
- EX: Freedom becomes: You will finally be able to leave work at 5:00pm without feeling like you have to go home & keep working. Clarity becomes: You will know exactly what steps you need to take so that you can fit into your skinny jeans hiding in your closet. Inner Peace becomes: You will have strategies in place to help you get back to your center & intention when your boss starts trying to put you in charge of all upcoming projects.
- EX: Freedom becomes: You will finally be able to leave work at 5:00pm without feeling like you have to go home & keep working. Clarity becomes: You will know exactly what steps you need to take so that you can fit into your skinny jeans hiding in your closet. Inner Peace becomes: You will have strategies in place to help you get back to your center & intention when your boss starts trying to put you in charge of all upcoming projects.
- Why they should choose you instead of another coach in your niche – this is where your personal story comes in. Many coaches choose a niche to mirror where they have been, and then use this life experience to speak to their potential new coaching clients because they have recently solved the problem.
Step Three: Create A Client Avatar
You may have already done this in your coaching certification course as I did in my own course at Dharma Coaching Institute, but if you did not do one in your coaching course, I HIGHLY recommend completing one. You can find a variety of examples & print outs online that range from super simple to really in depth. However, I do not like to feel overwhelmed, especially when it comes to who I want my potential clients to be. So, I have created this worksheet for you that has all of the high points without too much overwhelm.
While looking at whatever client avatar worksheet you choose, it may seem a little bit monotonous, but it is worth doing to help you get very clear on who your target client is, thus, paving the way for very clear messaging. This exercise also helps when it comes to messaging because you always have a “person” you know you are speaking to when you interact or post on social media.
Step Four: Know exactly what you bring to the table.
Aside from letting your potential clients know you have had XYZ experience & have developed a method to work through it, you should know what else brings you to the table. Whether that is other life experiences, past jobs, current jobs, number of kids, etc. that will make you different from other potential coaches in your niche. These are the things that make you uniquely YOU.
Being Present Throughout the Whole Marketing Funnel
Marketing funnels were the hardest element of marketing for me. Simply because I am not a technology guru- I have also never claimed to be one 😜, but to be perfectly honest… they are not that hard.
Just like everything else, the first time/first one is the hardest. The first time I set one up, I cannot tell you how many test emails I sent myself just to be sure everything functioned correctly as well as verify everything looked fine before anyone subscribed to my email list.
The main thing, especially if you have a strictly online coaching business, is to remember that email/ marketing funnels are the best form of online marketing. Once prospective clients join your email list, they are not likely to leave it.
So… let’s break down the marketing funnel & how to stay present within it.
Step One: You will need a platform in which to create sales and/ or landing pages. You may opt to have a full on website that has capabilities to add email marketing, but a funnel is totally doable without a website if you don’t feel aligned with that. 🖥️ Here is a short list of places to set up websites and/ or landing pages to help get you started:
- Squarespace (for full coaching website use & what I use for my own website- email marketing, landing pages, video add ons, e-commerce, invoice & scheduling creation)- for me it has all capabilities built in that I would ever need as a coach. This and all add ons to the basic website are paid & additional charges.
- Mailchimp (for landing & sales pages)- this marketing has both paid & free options. Full disclosure, you are super limited to the amount of sales & landing pages as well as emails & email list totals you are allowed to have. Best to check out their paid version options if you are looking at keeping it around long term, or create multiple landing pages.
- Constant Contact– (for email list marketing & social/ad automations)- same as Mailchimp. This platform has free & paid versions, but there are limitations to the free version. Check out the pricing options.
- GoDaddy– (for full website use, SEO optimization, & e-commerce)- Check out the pricing chart.
Step Two: Develop or post a Freebie offer to help your ideal coaching client be enticed to join your coaching business. Some ideas for a freebie offer are:
- a masterclass of you providing free information about a pain point that is present within your target audience.
- a template to help your clients get organized/ create an action plan
- a road map to help them get from point A to point B
- anything else that provides valuable tips and/ or information for your prospective client & gives them a taste of your insight, approach, credibility, & to help spark a relationship while demonstrating some of your coaching to begin attracting paying clients.
Step Three: Create your landing page/sales page to get your leads. This can be as simple as collecting the first name & email address of your ideal client. Depending on what the freebie offer is, you can typically have a Post submit message thanking them for joining your email list, or you have the option for a redirect in which you can put a link to where your masterclass is uploaded, directly to the template, etc. Regardless of how you do the initial setup, if you want to get more clients, they need to be provided with access to your freebie immediately.
Note: depending on what platform you use, you will be able to send the email address to an email list on the back end of your site. I recommend that you set up a different list for each freebie you give away. For instance, I have 3 email lists currently. One that is my general list that people join directly from my website, another list for my masterclass, and a third list for people who choose to participate in my mini course. This helps you know where the client roster came from & what made them interested in you in the first place.
Having separate lists serves several purposes:
- 1- the follow up email (detailed in the next step) will only go to new clients that signed up for that specific freebie.
- 2- it helps keep you organized and send out more targeted emails to have a more organic marketing strategy. This is because you will know who is already interested in each email list as you continue to develop products & offers.
Step Four: Schedule a follow up email. This can be done when you do the initial set up, or later, but in order to stay present throughout the funnel… there does need to be a follow up or two. I err on the side of caution & advise no more than 2 follow ups because I do not want people to get annoyed, or feel like all I am doing is trying to sell them when in actuality, I want to cultivate relationships with them to convert them into paying clients. This email can be a replay link of the masterclass, or merely an email that includes a thank you.
The important thing with these follow ups is that you can and should include links and/ or information about your coaching, coaching process, your social media links, as well as some way to start generating referrals. You can get these by sending a feedback form in that follow up for your masterclass. That way, the people that viewed the class, used the template, etc. can tell you their thoughts that you can inevitably use as social proof on your social media. Or anywhere else you may have marketing strategies in place.
Utilizing Beta Clients
In my opinion, beta clients are the best assets you have when you start building your business network, community, credibility, etc. More than likely, your coaching program requires you to complete a certain amount of coaching hours in order to receive your coaching certification. They are a valuable tool to help you get coaching clients.
Have no idea what a beta client is? In coaching, beta clients are used for several reasons:
- to build credibility
- to gain social proof
- to practice coaching
- to discover our niche & group of people we want to work with
- learn how to coach effectively
- practice active listening
- sharpen your coaching skills
- determine what coaching services you will offer
- construct what your coaching practice will look like
- be mindful that beta coaching is typically free, or offered at a nominal fee as you are essentially doing each other a favor, but mostly providing education to you as a coach
Often out of fear, we utilize people within our inner circle to be our first coaching clients. Whether they want to participate or not, they love us & want to show their support, so they reluctantly agree to letting you coach them. Well, what if you reach out to people in Facebook groups, your personal Facebook group if you already have one developing, your existing network of followers & “friends” that may not be close friends.
If you take this approach, you will find coaching clients that actually want to be coached & gain insight to solve a problem or develop personally.
Utilizing beta clients will contribute to overall online coaching success because part of the exchange should be that they are willing to provide a testimonial about their time working with you so you can get your first paying client. You will also be able to use this feedback as social proof on social media.
You can create a form via Google or another platform to send out to all clients when you request feedback at the conclusion of your coaching session, or when your time with a coaching client has ended.
Collaborating with Other Professionals
Collaborating with other professionals specifically in the coaching arena will help grow your life coaching business. You’ll get more coaching clients because you and the collaborator are leaning on each other to help grow both of your businesses, or coaching programs. Working with other professionals allows you to put yourself in front of their audience, and also puts them in front of your audience. Everyone wins!
Here are some ways you can collaborate:
- write a guest blog post
- go live on Instagram, or in a Facebook group
- interview other coaches, new coaches, business coaches, etc. on your podcast, or reach out to see if you can be interviewed on theirs.
- contribute a guest social media post
- teach a masterclass together
The possibilities here are literally endless.
⭐ ️ Note: it is perfectly acceptable & you absolutely should include other life coaches in your same client niche because that means their audience is full of potential clients looking for a coach, but may not necessarily feel best suited for the person you are collaborating with. A coaching client or new clients in general are in audiences everywhere. ⭐️
Telling Your Personal Network About Your Coaching Services
This element is difficult for a lot of new coaches, but believe it or not, many coaches get their first few clients from people they already know. Your first coaching client will either be the hardest, or the easiest client you ever get.
However, there is a lot of fear around attempting to get your first coaching clients from people you already know. A few reasons are:
- imposter syndrome
- you fear people who knew you before your spiritual journey began will have preconceived ideas about who you are as a coach.
From personal experience, I can tell you that the more you post to an audience of your existing network, the easier it is to do, and the easier it is to work on & get your messaging as clear as you would like it to be. Just take the leap because you never know who in your personal network has been waiting/looking for a coach in your specific coaching niche. Plus, the first time one of them reaches out for more information, or signs up to work with you, the more elated you will be.
Anyone ready to celebrate?! 🤩
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How to Get Your First Life Coaching Clients
Let’s take some time to look at how to get those first paying coaching clients. Depending on what platforms, places, etc. you are comfortable marketing yourself on, you can find life coaching clients just about anywhere. Whether they are coming directly to you from where you got in front of them, or if you are generating leads via word of mouth from those that have met you.
Several of these methods have already been mentioned in the above sections, but I would like to break them down a little bit more here for you, so you can choose what methods will work best for both your personality and your coaching business.
Attending Niche-Specific Events or Support Groups
The nice thing about attending events targeting your niche and/or support groups for your niche is that your ideal clients will already be located there. You will be able to get some face to face time in front of them whether individually or as a group.
Here are the benefits of attending niche specific events/networking events or support groups as researched by LinkedIn.
- they will help you determine if this is really the niche you want to work with/be in
- you will be able to learn from & collaborate with other professionals within your niche
- you will be able to establish your own credibility amongst your niche group
- you will be able to determine if you want to add to your niche, focus more on one element of it, or overall figure out how you would like to adapt into your niche & where you best fit within it.
- you will be able to learn more about your niche thus helping your overall coaching business, your marketing approach, and help you learn more about how to get coaching clients.
Public Speaking, Joining Toastmasters, Clubs & Chambers
Participating in networking events like public speaking, clubs, & chambers of commerce will get you in front of people and help to get leads for a paying client.
To help you get coaching clients, or sign a new coaching client being in front of people & speaking about your coaching is imperative. By speaking in front of people, you get to demonstrate your knowledge, promote your coaching business, & build your credibility. Posting on various platforms simply won’t be enough, so when we get in front of others to get coaching clients, people get a small taste of what it might be to work with us. They will get to hear our approach, observe our attitude, see our hearts, & hear our openness & passion to help our potential clients succeed in their goals.
Toastmasters: this is a paid platform where you get to learn or become better at public speaking as well as increase your effectiveness as a public speaker. Clubs are used based on your needs, strengths and weaknesses to get more effective speaking skills, build leadership potential, and offer an alternative space to network with others in order to help you find clients.
Hire A Business Coach
When I first started coaching, I didn’t even know hiring a business coach was a thing. In fact, I thought they were a niche group to help people who worked in business and/or finance as careers, and functioned more like a career coach to help these people be better at their jobs, or perform better at work.
So, it took me a long time to finally hire one. If you feel like you:
- have no idea where to start building your business
- are trying to use every platform & suffering burn out
- want to begin scaling your business
- have no idea how to start building your business
- need help on ow to focus your messaging and/ or identifying who your ideal client is
- don’t know the first thing about social media and/or marketing yourself…
I would consider hiring one of these coaches. Be mindful that you seek out these coaches that work with other coaches. Two of my favorites that have been personally vetted by me & help their clients get results are:
- Jenn Burnham at Uncensored CEO– she has an online course, Sales Ignited, that helps break down the entire sales process for a coaching business with the option for private coaching. At the very least, she has a ton of valuable freebies available, and several other low ticket offers to help coaches be successful in their business. If you are looking to build a luxury empire that works for you even when you are not actively working, give her a look.
- Baylee Falk at Biz By Baylee– at this time she only offers 1:1 coaching with her clients either in 3 month intervals, or via messaging days that can be purchased individually. However, she has a ton of great, valuable, useful content within her profile, and has FANTASTIC reels for tons of little nuggets of knowledge. If you are more free spirited, looking to work with someone that is literally always positive, and is super encouraging, Baylee is your girl!
Online Strategies to Attract Life Coaching Clients
This section is about to get REAL! 💁🏻♀️ We will examine the most popular platforms to build your marketing strategies, and get coaching clients.
Marketing Yourself Online
The best way to market yourself online is to be authentic & show up. The worst thing you can do is begin to build an audience, have them look forward to your content (because they love you), and then have you ghost them. Just show up for them.
As you begin to put your strategies in place, it is important to know that for coaches, the benefits of working with you will get you greater leads than if you are constantly trying to use pain point marketing. You are selling a transformation and/or transformational process, so you want the transformation to be what you are selling. Your potential clients are looking to feel better, better themselves, or have some kind of spiritual awakening. You should be presenting that kind of transformation in your messaging, content, reels, lives, and even down to how you present yourself to your audience.
Take it from someone who tried pain point marketing (until I worked with my business coach) for far too long… my engagement was not high, and that is NOT what you want.
The last thing I will say here is to make sure you are consistent. Choose how & when you will show up when you develop your strategy.
- Will you show up 1,3,5, times a week?
- Will you show up multiple times a day, or just once?
- Will you alternate showing up on Instagram and within your Facebook groups, or will you show up the same amount for both?
- Will you simply be using posts, or incorporate reels & lives? If so, how often?
- Will you use paid ads, influencers, other forms of paid marketing, or stick with organic content on your feed?
- Will you try to write a guest blog post, or will you create your own blog?
The main thing is that you do not want to ghost your audience. They should not have to come looking for you because you should be consistently popping up, organically, in their feed. 👻
Learning How to Use Social Media Properly
Social media can be your best friend, or your worst enemy depending on how you choose to view it. My advice is to try not to take it so seriously. Of course you are serious about your business, but your clients want to see the messy parts as well.
Getting coaching clients online using social media works best when following these steps:
- Choose your niche
- Get clear on your messaging & know WHO you are talking to about your coaching
- Use hashtags- you can discover what hashtags will work best for your niche/coaching by using a search tool
- After post, spend time daily finding your audience on your own
- literally scroll through whatever site you’re on
- find people that look/sound like your clients
- follow, like, comment on their posts
- When people comment on your posts, engage with them liking their comment, and asking them an open ended question in response. You want to keep your engagement analytics up, so the more comments you have- including ones made by you in response to someone else’s comment- the better those analytics will be. NOTE: these analytics are used to offer your page as suggestions to look like profiles for those already interacting with you.
- Use Direct Messaging (DMs)- However, DO NOT SPAM! If you already use Instagram specifically, then maybe this has happened to you. This occurs when people you do not follow send you unsolicited messages trying to sell you their services, or when you follow someone back, you immediately get a message telling how that person can help you. DO NOT be this person. To use DMs effectively, find creative ways to invite your audience to start a conversation with you in the DMs. An easy way to do this is to come up with a few keywords to use in your messaging & have your audience DM you that keyword to either start a conversation about your services, get more information about your offer, or gain access to your freebie. Here’s what that looks like:
- DM me the word “SUPPORT” to learn more.
- DM me “MASTERCLASS” to score the link to my NEW live Masterclass
- DM me “FREEBIE” to get your vision board template.
- Use a different keyword for each item you are promoting so that when people do DM you, you know exactly WHY.
One quick note here to save you the headache… whether you have already started to use social media or not… When the stratosphere begins to take note of you being a coach, you will become prey to a lot of people DMing you. By that I mean people claiming to be business coaches, virtual assistants, and people looking to provide other services will be constantly reaching out to you.
This is why above I included some credible business coaches if you are looking to hire one. You want to make sure you check out anyone who you may consider working with. This means have them give you names of people you reach out to for a reference. I have a friend that is also a coach that wanted to outsource posting content, so she hired a virtual assistant. When you hire a service like this, you have to give them your username & password to your accounts. Well, my friend ended up having her whole Instagram profile stolen. Her audience she had spent years building… gone. Just like that. She had to start all over from scratch to rebuild a new audience with a new profile.
I was also contacted by a coach that I had considered working with, and when I got on the discovery call with him, his program was $9,000. I didn’t have a problem with the price per se, but he wanted to give me access to an online course, put me in a Facebook group for “support”, and offered no 1:1 coaching. When I told him I wasn’t going to work with him, he began to berate & I had a hard time getting off the phone. This was a business coach that sought me out. I don’t tell you these things to scare you, but I do want you to be mindful of what you may discover when these “services” see a new coach popping up.
How to Attract Life Coaching Clients with Organic Content
Organic content is content that is created specifically by you for your profiles, and your business. I’m going to break this down more in-depth in the sections below.
Let’s talk through a bio set up, and then Content Wheel creation so you always have something to talk about with your audience/ potential clients.
Creating A Bio to Attract Clients
This is where your messaging is going to be the most important. Typically in our profiles, we should identify 3-5 “topics” that our target audience wants to know about. For you, these should be 3-5 sub- topics revolving around your main coaching point(s).
For instance, I am a balance, empowerment, & happiness coach for women. So, all of my content has to do with how to cultivate balance into a busy schedule, empowerment & confidence to establish boundaries & enforce them, & how to nurture your happiness throughout the day to keep the “bad” days at bay. In fact, if you were to go to my profile right now, exactly who I am & what I do is easily printed in the bio of my profile.
When it comes to client acquisition, when they go to your profile they do not want to have to “figure out” who you are. Your bio & content need to do that for them.
So here are the steps you need to take to ensure you are creating content that is actually worth it to find coaching clients.
- Get clear on your messaging
- Identify 3-5 sub topics that directly correlate with your coaching niche
- Put these in your bio either with emojis as a list, or as buzz words in a statement
- Your niche needs to be in your bio EX: Balance, Empowerment, & Happiness Coach for Women or Health Coach supporting Women in Breast Cancer Recovery, etc. WHO you help & HOW you help must be present in your bio.
- The tone of your bio needs to be consistent with the tone of your content. So, if your bio is upbeat & playful, your content & captions need to be upbeat & playful too.
- Link to your Linktree account, website, Facebook group, or any other landing page for your audience to find out more detailed information about you.
Coming Up with Content Ideas That Attract Clients
Now that your bio is ready, you are ready to create aligned content.
Using your 3-5 topics in your bio, you will create content centered around those.
Create a Content Wheel for each of these sub topics.
- Start by drawing a large circle on a piece of paper.
- in the middle of the paper, write down your overall topic & then draw another circle around that. EX: Boundary Settings
- Then come up with 6 further breakdowns- your Layer 1 Topics- of that larger topic. EX: around boundary Setting, I would put- importance, why, definition, where, who, what if it gets hard
- You’ll then come up with 8-10 further explanations/ breakdowns. These are your Outer Layer Topics. These are the things you think people need to understand in order to fully embrace the core topic.
- You can also think of this as the Outer Layer is the foundation, Layer 1 is the house, & the Core Topic is the Roof, so we are able to get a complete house.
I got this idea & personally used this idea for my own content from Maria Wendt, and she has a whole video further explaining how to use this. You can watch the video here.
Even if you don’t use this exact method, breaking down your Core topic in some way will help you actually teach your audience what it is you do & how you help them get the results they seek.
Defining Content That’s Actually Worth Creating
Utilizing the Content Wheel mentioned in the last section will not only help you have content to post at all times, and take out the question of “what am I going to post about?”, but it will also ensure you always have content that is actually worth creating.
I am of the belief that all content is useful, but you must make sure your content is on brand & in the wheelhouse of what you help clients do. So, if you are a career coach who helps corporate women achieve promotional status within the field of architecture, a random post about the Chakra System would be of no use to you or them.
I know. I know. Right now some of you are saying, but the Chakra System is important to me, & I use it in my daily practice. I totally understand, but remember the content worth creating is the content your ideal clients want & need to see/use. Not you.
The main thing to keep in mind here is that if the content you are posting does not directly relate back to one of your 3-5 Core Topics, don’t post it. The idea here is that the content worth creating & posting not only helps your audience, but is also something they would most likely implement to reach their goals.
You want to make sure everything you post gives them a little piece of what it would be like to work with you 1:1.

Cold, Warm, & Hot Audience
I felt this section was important, because if you are like me, you are coming into this knowing nothing about the business aspect of your coaching business. Your content needs to appeal to all of these smaller audiences within your big audience.

Cold Audience: These are your followers who will need the Outer Layer content within your Content Wheel. They are interested in what you are saying, but don’t know enough about you or what you teach to actually purchase something from you. They need the foundation of our house we are building. Your cold audience wants to learn, and this is where having Freebie offers will be most used.
Warm Audience: These are your followers who will need the Layer 1 content within your Content Wheel. They know a little bit about what you are saying, and know the buzzwords, but they still have questions before they want to invest a lot of money with you. They need more details about your Core Topics. Your warm audience is willing to spend some money in order to further their knowledge, and will be most likely to purchase low to mid- ticket offers.
Hot Audience: These are your followers who are HERE FOR YOU! They cannot get enough of you & everything you are talking about. They are constantly engaging with you & ready to invest in your high ticket offers. They have a vast knowledge of your Core Topic, and they want to work with you because they love your energy & the results you get from your clients. They have their credit & debit cards in their hands saying, “Where do I sign up?”
Retaining Your Coaching Clients
Your clients will want to keep working with you over and over again, program after program, if they feel like you are helping them get results.
However, I have personally had this same behavior just because I liked the energy of the coach herself. I have a handful of coaches that no matter what the program is, how long it is, what is even included, or the topic… I will sign up for their offer.
Here’s how you can make your audience feel that way too.
Delivering Extraordinary Results That Retain Clients & Generate Referrals
You will find that your clients just want to feel better about themselves, their reality, & the outside world. Help them do that through your energy, your methods, & your teachings, and they will come back every time you do something new.
That being said, you do need to make sure you are constantly coming up with new things, and keeping an updated Product Suite. You should absolutely have a signature program but that should not be your only offer. You should have free, low, mid, & high ticket offers to appeal to all of the audiences listed about within your larger group.
As you grow & develop as a coach, everything from your content to your followers to your products will evolve as well. Your clients will also keep coming back to work with you if they see you are continuing to grow as a coach. As your clients see how your life is changing, they will want to be a part of that. They will want to continue to know your “secret”.
Hint: Your secret is you. You bring your own unique flavor to your coaching that no other coach has. Embrace that & do not resist it. You will only waste time trying to chase an audience rather than attracting them.
One way to continue to grow & develop as a coach is to add certifications to your name. If you have ever thought about being a Yogi Life Coach, then Brett’s Yoga Teacher Trainings is the way to start. Share these things, these new certifications you’re getting, with your audience. They want to know you & connect with you. They want to keep the human-ness alive, & that is what you are here to help them do.

Sneak Peak into My 300-Hour YTT - FREE Videos, Info Session, Bonuses!
Learning How to Close Sales Comfortably & Confidently
Closing the sale seems to be the toughest part for new coaches because you do not want to seem salesy. That is why many coaches use a Discovery/Introduction call. This is simply a free call that people can schedule with you to get to know you, ask questions, talk about pricing, etc.
The goal of the call is to:
- determine if you and the client are a good match to work together
- determine if you can actually help the client reach their goal(s)
- discuss reservations/ objections they may have about working with a coach
- break the ice with each other so that if they do sign up to work with you, you do not have to waste precious coaching time getting to know each other
Discovery calls are typically only used when closing high ticket offers such as 1:1 or group coaching programs. Low & Medium ticket offers can be sold via content posts, reels, stories, email lists, DMs. You can include links within your profiles to take them directly to your sales page for these items. People are usually more reserved & need a little bit more “convincing” before they spend over $500 for a service. Especially if it is a service they have never used before.
Discovery calls are the best way to close sales comfortably & confidently because you get the chance to have a personal conversation with your potential client & address all of their concerns. That is the HOW when it comes to closing the sale. Your clients want to feel like they are personal to you & like you will actually care about & support them. It is easy to SAY you will do those things, but much harder to convince you will actually DO them without speaking to them like they are a human you want to help, and not a dollar sign.
Come from love. Come from alignment. Come from compassion. Come from a passion for what you do.
Final Thoughts
Whew! That was a lot of information to take in. The important thing at this point is to not get yourself overwhelmed. You do not & should not try to do everything all at once. This will only lead to more overwhelm & burnout. I recommend choosing one or two methods that you are comfortable using & learning how to get really good at using those platforms to get coaching clients fast.
New coaches often DO try to do everything all at once with the hope of getting in front of as many people as possible, but it often has the opposite effect. Take a deep breath, choose those one or two platforms to work with, create your profiles (if you haven’t already done so, and get to work! 🤗 Your potential clients are looking for you and waiting for you.
If you are still feeling super overwhelmed by all the information provided & need a minute to process everything, Brett’s Kali Training Plan can help. Literally entitled to Step into Your Personal Power, complete this plan to embody yourself as a successful coach, and go change the world!

About the Author | Ashlie Franey
Ashlie Franey is a Woman Rising. She is a Higher Self & Identity Coach helping women to bridge the gap from their current selves to their future selves. Using her RISE method, her clients learn to step into their power & begin to fully embody the woman they want to be.
Next Steps:
- Explore my Yoga Teacher Resource knowledge hub for more tips about how to grow your yoga business.
- Download my sequences for a jumpstart on your upcoming yoga classes!
- For more detailed tips, processes, and worksheets to supercharge your yoga business, download my yoga business launchpad course!
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