How To Do Cat Pose

How To Do Cat Pose

(Marjaryasana): Techniques, Benefits, Variations Level – Beginner Cat Pose (Marjaryasana) Cat Pose Prep & Practice 1 Come to a tabletop position, taking the shoulders directly over the wrists and hips over the knees. Hands come shoulder width apart. Take the...
How To Do Lizard Pose

How To Do Lizard Pose

(Utthan Pristhasana): Techniques, Benefits, Variations Level – Beginne Lizard Lizard Pose (Utthan Pristhasana) Lizard Pose Prep & Practice 1 Starting in a Low Lunge (Anjaneyasana) with the right foot forward, curl the back toes under and lift the back knee....
How To Do Standing Forward Fold

How To Do Standing Forward Fold

(Uttanasana): Techniques, Benefits, Variations Level – Beginner Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana) Easy Pose Prep & Practice 1 Beginning in Mountain pose (Tadasana) at the top of the mat.  On an inhalation, arms sweep slightly forward and up, fingers reaching...
Everything You Need To Know About Using Healing Stones

Everything You Need To Know About Using Healing Stones

In this episode, I talk about healing stones and crystals with Samantha Fey. Samantha is an intuitive medium, a Reiki healer, and co-hosts her own popular podcast called the Psychic Teachers with Deb Bowen. She really believes that if we can awaken the divine light of...
How To Do Triangle Pose

How To Do Triangle Pose

(Trikonasana): Techniques, Benefits, Variations Level – Intermediate Triangle Pose (Trikonasana) Triangle Pose Prep & Practice 1 Beginning in Mountain pose (Tadasana) at the top of the mat. On an exhalation, take a step back with the left foot, hands come to hips....