Office Yoga: 10 Poses You Can Do Right Now

Office Yoga: 10 Poses You Can Do Right Now

In the fast-paced world of today’s office environment, where demands on time and energy seem unrelenting, finding moments of tranquility and self-care is paramount. Welcome to the world of office yoga 👩‍💼🧘‍♀️  Finding the perfect pose will seamlessly integrate...
Ek Ong Kar: How And When To Use The Thunderbolt Mantra

Ek Ong Kar: How And When To Use The Thunderbolt Mantra

Do you ever feel like you are in a constant state of unrest? Yeah, me too. How could you not be with the way the modern world is constantly bombarding you with decisions, information, and negative sensationalized stories? It’s time for a nervous system reset. ...
Yoga For Piriformis Syndrome: 8 Poses To Relieve Pain

Yoga For Piriformis Syndrome: 8 Poses To Relieve Pain

Do you ever go through your day and then realize what a pain in the rear you’re dealing with? Literally, a pain in the rear, like a numbing shooting pain from your butt to your foot? It’s annoying, extremely painful and makes it hard to function sometimes. WHAT IS...
Yoga for Burnout: A Sequence for Balance

Yoga for Burnout: A Sequence for Balance

“I don’t want to work today.” …Do you ever say this to yourself? Or feel like you have to drag and force yourself through an invisible pressure to get any work done? These could be the beginning signs of burnout. You might have heard that word a lot in recent years,...