The Ultimate Dominant Chakra Test: Find Out Which Is Yours

The Ultimate Dominant Chakra Test: Find Out Which Is Yours

April 2, 2021 • By Brett Larkin • Verified By Sahara Rose • Our Editorial Process So much of yoga today focuses on the asana practice, which is limited to the physical body. But SO much of yoga, according to the eight limbs of yoga, is focused on the subtle body,...
Root Chakra Blockage Symptoms & How To Unblock It

Root Chakra Blockage Symptoms & How To Unblock It

Welcome to the fascinating world of the Chakra system! Let’s get into the Root Chakra, the foundation of our energetic system. I’ll uncover how blockages in the Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine, can affect your life force energy flow, sense of stability,...
7 Chakra Imbalance Symptoms: Energetic, Physical, And Emotional

7 Chakra Imbalance Symptoms: Energetic, Physical, And Emotional

Did you know that your chronic fatigue or sinus issues could be a physical manifestation of an energetic problem? Or that knee pain can come from feeling a lack of safety or security? Don’t roll your eyes, because it’s true! When you’ve got chakra imbalances it not...
What is the 8th Chakra and How Can We Tap Into It?

What is the 8th Chakra and How Can We Tap Into It?

If you’ve spent much time in the yoga world, you’ve probably heard of the chakras. Those seven energy wheels that are always spinning inside you. BUT! Did you know there are more than just those seven major chakras connected to your body? There are! In fact, one...
Chakra Yoga: The Best Yoga Poses To Balance Your 7 Chakras

Chakra Yoga: The Best Yoga Poses To Balance Your 7 Chakras

April 7, 2021 • By Brett Larkin • Verified By Anodea Judith, PhD • Our Editorial Process You’ve probably heard a lot about the importance of balancing your chakras, followed up with certain mantras, meditation, essential oils, or breathing exercises. While all...