35 Powerful Chakra Affirmations For Major Healing & Balancing

35 Powerful Chakra Affirmations For Major Healing & Balancing

April 3, 2021 • By Brett Larkin • Verified By Sahara Rose • Our Editorial Process There are basically two things in my daily practice that I absolutely do not skip. Yoga, obviously. And positive affirmations. It’s true. Some of the most important growth and...
Bija Mantras: The Chakra Mantras and Their Sounds

Bija Mantras: The Chakra Mantras and Their Sounds

April 6, 2021 • By Brett Larkin • Verified By Anodea Judith, PhD • Our Editorial Process In This Article Understanding The Healing Power of MantraWhat Are Bija Mantras?Connecting Sound And Energy With Bija MantrasThe Chakra SoundsFirst Chakra, Root Chakra Mantra:...
The 7 Chakra Symbols Explained: Their Meaning & Shapes [+PICTURES]

The 7 Chakra Symbols Explained: Their Meaning & Shapes [+PICTURES]

April 5, 2021 • By Brett Larkin • Verified By Anodea Judith, PhD • Our Editorial Process You know those pretty designs you see all over the chakra world? They sometimes look like flowers with geometric shapes in the middle… …yeah, you know the ones I’m talking...