How To Ignite The Power Of The Seven Chakras

How To Ignite The Power Of The Seven Chakras

The chakras are energetic building blocks that flow through all aspects of us and of our planet. Understanding the chakras can be a little difficult, especially as it relates to yoga. But the deeper that you go into your yoga practice, the more that you will learn...
6 Hip Openers For Emotional Release

6 Hip Openers For Emotional Release

We’ve all heard a yoga teacher say, “emotions are stored in the hips” while in pigeon pose. And if you put “hip openers for emotional release” into the YouTube search bar you’ll see a plethora of classes available.  It’s not an uncommon occurrence for pent...
5 Ways To Cultivate Sacred Sexuality And Divine Femininity 

5 Ways To Cultivate Sacred Sexuality And Divine Femininity 

In modern culture, sexuality has lost its sense of connection. The truth is: healthy sexual energy is a major part of any spiritual life. In fact, sacred sexuality is an ancient spiritual practice that honors the sacredness of the physical body, the power of sexual...
Exploring the Five Human Design Types: A Guide to Self-Discovery

Exploring the Five Human Design Types: A Guide to Self-Discovery

You know your star chart, your astrocartography chart, maybe you’ve even had a Vedic astrology chart done. But are you aware of your human design?  While your western astrology chart can give you insights into your personality and desires; your human design...
Feminine Archetypes: Exploring Divine Feminine Energies

Feminine Archetypes: Exploring Divine Feminine Energies

We’ve all heard references to main feminine archetypes “The Maiden”, “The Mother”, and “The Crone ” as representing the cycle of a woman’s life. You begin in the maiden phase, young and naïve. Grow into the mother, nurturing and self sacrificing. Then end as the...