5 Healing Crystals For Feminine Energy

5 Healing Crystals For Feminine Energy

Have you been working on bringing more balance to the feminine energies inside you? You just might have a tool to help cultivate that balance already on your shelf!  Let’s chat about crystals and feminine energy, beautiful souls! Whether you’re a...
Yoga For Grief: 8 Yoga Poses For Support

Yoga For Grief: 8 Yoga Poses For Support

It’s inevitable, at some point in your life you will experience loss or trauma. I don’t say that to be harsh, it’s just a true part of life. Oftentimes these moments of loss and trauma lead to an emotion you are probably familiar with….grief 😔. Grief is a normal part...
How To Tap Into Your Feminine Energy

How To Tap Into Your Feminine Energy

In yoga, we talk a lot about balance and harmony in everyday life, and within ourselves. Part of that balance is understanding and embracing something called shakti “divine feminine energy.” Here’s how to tap into your feminine energy. What Is Feminine...
Solar Plexus Blocked Symptoms And How To Balance

Solar Plexus Blocked Symptoms And How To Balance

Welcome back to the beautiful realm of energy centers within your body! I’m going to dive into the Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura chakra. It is the third of the seven chakras in your body’s energy system. It shines brightly in the upper abdomen. This...
The Best Yoga Business Coaches to Skyrocket Your Income

The Best Yoga Business Coaches to Skyrocket Your Income

Forget about mixing… I say business IS a pleasure! I love making business a spiritual practice. I love to teach yoga in person, online, and sell my training. If you want to see how I achieved this with templates you can use to score your first yoga studio job,...