Mangala Charan Mantra is currently one of the most well known Kundalini mantras for protection. Many yoga teachers, like myself and Guru Singh, even include it as part of the Tune In before practicing Kundalini kriyas.
As a member of the Uplifted community, you know that our bodies and experiences are all unique. Which also means, your experience when chanting mantras may be different than mine. Luckily, there are a lot of protection mantras in existence for you to experiment with and find what works best for you!
Join me as I present a few of my favorite versions here for you to try.

What Is A Protective Mantra
First, what exactly is a protective mantra? How can chanting words protect you?
The answer is as complex as it is simple. Everything is energy. The cells that make up all things are themselves vibrational energy and sound. All things, even plants, flowers, parts of your body and your various emotions have their own unique vibrations. If the natural vibration gets distorted, you can begin to sense discomfort and potentially a change in your health.
Mantras are chants that help you to shift your energy into a desired state. They have been practiced and studied for thousands of years. Over all this time, their effects have been recorded and defined. There are many facets of life that can be impacted by mantra practice, including strengthening your connection with source and the universe to increase your resilience and protection from various external forces.
Benefits Of Chanting A Mantra For Protection
There are many mantras in existence that work with different imbalances in the body and chakra system. By chanting mantra, you work to create change from the inside out.
In times where you feel negativity, darkness, fear, or concern for your well being, a strong mantra practice can be beneficial to assist you to feel more courage, hope, inner peace, safety, power, and overall sense of protection.
When To Practice A Protective Mantra
Protective mantras are powerful mantras that can be practiced at any time and can be especially helpful when you experience fear, stress, anxiety, plan to travel, or want extra support during a difficult period of life.
For example, a popular use of the Mangala Charan Mantra is that it is chanted for protection when you get in your car before you start to drive. Try it sometime and see if it helps you to feel safe on your drive! It can even be chanted silently in your head if you feel uncomfortable chanting it out loud.
With experimentation, you will find the divine protection mantras that resonate with you. Work with them as you feel is appropriate.
How To Practice A Protective Mantra
Protective mantras can be practiced as simply as finding a quiet space to turn inward and chant. Easy pose is a great posture for mantra practice.
I recommend that you begin your mantra practice by tuning in first. Check out my free training, Refine Your Tune In, to learn all my best advice to supercharge your Tune In.
Many protective mantras are also incorporated in more formalized meditations. Let’s go over a few examples here.
Are You Chanting Correctly? Refine Your Tune with Me! 👇

Are You Chanting Correctly? Refine Your Tune with Me!
The Triple Mantra
The Triple Mantra is made up of three parts. It is a very powerful mantra that removes psychic and physical obstacles in your daily life and it’s believed to reduce negative vibrations, thoughts, words, and actions.
You can listen to or chant this Sanskrit mantra. Either approach is said to strengthen your magnetic field and maintain distance between yourself and negative influences. It can be a great mantra to start your day with.
How To Practice The Triple Mantra
Posture: Sit in Easy Pose (Sukhasana) with a straight spine.
Eyes: Closed.
Mudra: Gyan Mudra.
Aad Guray Nameh, Jugaad Guray Nameh, Sat Guray Nameh, Siri Guroo Dayv-ay Nameh
Aad Such Jugaad Such Hai Bhee Such Nanak Hosee Bhee Such
Aad Such Jugaad Such Hai Bhai Such Nanak Hosee Bhai Such
Mantra Translation:
I bow to the Primal Wisdom, I bow to the wisdom through all the Ages, I bow to True Wisdom, I bow to the great unseen Wisdom.
True in the beginning, true throughout the ages, true even now, Nanak, truth shall ever be.
True in the beginning, true throughout the ages, true even now, Nanak, truth shall ever be.
Duration: This mantra can be helpful chanted once through. You can also choose to practice for a period of 3 – 62 minutes.
The Divine Shield Meditation for Protection and Positivity
This meditation assists you in the expansion of your aura using naad (sacred sounds and vibrational harmony that connects you to the Universal Consciousness). The powerful mantra utilized in the Divine Shield Meditation is said to activate the Heart Chakra (Anahata) which makes it more possible for the compassionate positive energies of the Universe to uplift you and protect you.
Maybe you’ve noticed that when you feel unsafe, unprotected, or fearful it’s hard to have a positive attitude. It’s thought that during these times the aura that surrounds your body becomes smaller and more weak. When you support yourself by enhancing your aura, you are also enhancing your aura’s ability to protect you and shield you from negative emotions and negative influences.
How To Practice The Divine Shield Meditation
- Sit on the floor.
- Place your right foot flat on the floor with your toes pointed straight in front of you, knee raised and pointed up at the ceiling.
- Left knee rests flat on the floor (similar to Easy Pose).
- Sole of left foot is against the arch and ankle of your right foot. Ball of your left foot will rest in front of the ankle bone of your right foot.
- Form a fist with your left hand. Place it on the ground beside your left hip. Use this fist to help you balance.
- Bend your right elbow and place it on top of your right knee.
- Place the palm of your right hand beside your right ear.
- Cup your right hand slightly to form a shallow bowl. Gently hold this bowl against your head, making contact between the thumb side of your left hand and your face. The pinkie side of your hand doesn’t make contact so you can hear. Think of this as holding a sea shell against your ear and you want to listen to it.
Eyes: Close your eyes and focus on your third eye space.
Mantra: Maaa.
- Take a deep inhale and then chant a long “Maaa”. When you completely exhale your breath, take another deep inhale and repeat.
- Chant at a comfortable pitch and try to project the sound, embody it. Notice the vibration you feel in your body as you chant.
The sound Maaa is similar to that of what a baby uses to call on their mother. It is a call for compassion and protection. In reciting this mantra, think of your soul, calling on the Universal Mother for aid and comfort.
Duration: You can begin with 3 or 11 minutes and work up to 31 minutes. You will complete one side and then switch your legs and hand to do the same amount of time on the opposite side.
Chii-a Kriya: Surround Yourself with Protection
Chii-a is a Gurmukhi word that translates to six. When you practice Chii-a Kriya you work with and experience the six “unchangeable sounds” associated with the six directions of East, West, North, South, up, and down.
When you meditate on these six directions it is like an invocation and the directions and the Universe envelope and protect you from evil forces.
How To Practice Chii-a Kriya
Posture: Sit in easy pose.
Mudra: Gyan Mudra.
Eyes: Eyes closed and focus on your third eye space.
Movement: While holding Gyan Mudra, move your arms through this sequence:
- Stretch your arms out to the sides and down at a slight diagonal, palms facing forward. Maintain straight elbows. Chant Har.
- Move your arms directly in front of you, elbows by your sides and bent at 90 degrees.Your forearms are pointed straight out in front of your body, hands directly in front of you with your palms face down. Chant Hare (haray).
- Arms stay in place, raise your forearms up toward your face. Your hands will now be at the height of your shoulders, palms facing away from you. Chant Haree.
Mantra: Har Haray Haree Wah Hay Guru.
You will cycle through these three movement positions and incorporate the mantra, one word per position.
- Stretch your arms out to your sides. Chant Har.
- Arms directly to the front, palms down. Recite Haray.
- Hands raised up near your shoulders. Chant Haree.
- Arms out to your sides again. Recite Wah.
- Arms directly to the front, palms down again. Chant Hay.
- Hands raised up near your shoulders again. Recite Guru.
Repeat this movement and mantra for the duration of your practice.
To end, keep your arms in the final position with your hands raised to your shoulders. Inhale deeply and hold your breath as long as it feels comfortable for you, about 15 seconds. Squeeze your rib cage and spine. Exhale. Repeat this finishing breath sequence two more times.
Duration: Practice for 3 to 11 minutes.
Chii-a Kriya would be a great 40 Day Kriya practice if you want to expand your experience with one of these positive energy powerful mantras.
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Closing Thoughts
Remember that when chanting mantras, you will need to experiment, as each mantra for protection will be experienced differently for you in your body. Your energy may respond differently due to the existence of blockages in certain areas. We are all created uniquely both physically, energetically, and psychologically.
You may find that different protective mantras give you support for different types of situations. Pay attention to how your body, mind, and energy feel following these practices.
To further strengthen your connection with the divine, consider incorporating Ek Ong Kar, or Sat Kriya in your practice. Sat Nam in Kundalini Yoga is one of the most commonly used mantras and it is a great way to deepen and affirm your practice.
Does all this protection mantras talk have you excited to learn more about Kundalini Yoga? My Kundalini Demystified course is a fantastic way to learn the core concepts of this ancient practice.
When you are ready to expand your Kundalini knowledge and practice, I hope you will join me and Guru Singh in our Kundalini 200 HR Teacher Training, Kundalini University.
Next Steps
- Love Kundalini? Refine your tune in (the Adi Mantra) with me in this free chanting masterclass.
- Experience my Kundalini Dance Party and elevate your mood in 8 minutes.
- Enroll in my Kundalini Demystified training course. Let’s demystify the “mystery” of this ancient science and INSTANTLY reap the benefits!
Get 3 Free Training Vidoes from our Kundalini University Experience & Certification Program
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- Sat Nam in Kundalini Yoga: Sanskrit Translation and Meaning
- Sat Kriya: A Yoga Practice You Can Do in 3 Minutes
- Shuni Mudra: The Seal of Patience
- Buddhi Mudra: What Is It And How Do You Use It?
- Adi Shakti Mantra: Manifest Your Divine Femininity
- Venus Mudra: The Seal of Clarity & Empowerment
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- The 7 Aquarian Mantras: Tune In To Profound Transformation
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- Chanting Mantras: Unlock the Secrets of These Spiritual Formulas
- 8 Kundalini mudras for health and energy
- How to Chant the Mangala Charan Mantra (With Pronunciation)
- The Kundalini Kriya For Elevation, Step-By-Step