Looking for an online yoga teacher training course, but flooded with listicles and promises that this yoga school is “the best”?
Yeah. I see them too.
And for a long time, I didn’t want to enter that space. I just wanted my online training to speak for itself and let the right students find me when they were ready.
The problem?
SO many of those students FIRST tried other online yoga instructor training courses that were listed on these blog posts, before eventually joining mine!
Because those listicles dangle the “certified yoga instructor” label in front of you for less than what a 1-unit college class would cost (like “get certified as a yoga instructor for $300” – or less! 🤯). We know that the cost of yoga training varies widely, but be very cautious with any training you can buy for less than $1000.
Low-cost training offers may be enticing, but they lead many students to impulse-buy, only to find that what’s behind the “buy now” button isn’t what they expected, leaving them under-prepared and searching for a true yoga teacher training.
Let me explain.
The Problem With Online Yoga Teacher Training Today
Historically, a legitimate yoga teacher training would cost upwards of $3,000, with top tier schools costing $4,000 or more. Trust me: finding a cheap online training course and entering your credit card details is the easiest part of the process.
Up next, you actually need to (newsflash!) complete 200-Hours of yoga education across a variety of categories (regardless of which training you buy). This is when many students realize that after the shopping cart screen they are totally “on their own”:
- Tracking their own hours, assignments, and participation
- Finding willing students to practice teaching to earn hours
- Filing paperwork and forms
- Figuring out how to submit material for graduation, make it across the finish line, and complete Yoga Alliance’s necessary requirements
The truth is that most of these online YTT programs rely on volume—they expect lots of people to aspirationally enroll, but less than 25% to certify. The sheer number of hours it takes to certify (yes, 200 Hours, people!) takes stamina and a lot of leg work. Inexpensive programs are counting on the fact that you won’t actually finish. By the time you realize that you’re in over your head, they’ve already collected your money.
And that’s when students inevitably come to me for an online training that not only teaches them traditional yoga philosophy and alignment, but also hand-holds them through the entire certification process, step-by-step.
In my cohort model, you move through the training—start to finish—with the same peer group, just like an in-person training. You have the same teachers, the same peers, resulting in accountability and support. Everyone graduates together and completes their 200-Hours within 4 months in a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning. I also offer extensive education about how to run a yoga business and earn a living as an online yoga teacher in my curriculum.
Look, I’m not trying to sell my course to you (though it’s on this list because I genuinely believe it’s the best, and I’ve been in this space the longest).
What I’m trying to do is provide you with some context on the inherent value provided in a professionally structured online yoga teacher training…
…and the major downfall of DIY programs that don’t provide that value simply because, at best, they don’t have the team, tech, experience and resources, or at worst, because they can hide behind a computer screen.
So below, is my vetted list of online yoga teacher trainings that I actually know to be worth the value.
DISCLAIMER: Unlike most of the other websites that list online yoga teacher trainings based on the affiliate commission they make from them (please explore WHO is the authority/author behind the lists you read), I DON’T make an affiliate commission from these trainings. If I do, then I’ll be up front about it.
Instead, I share my insights as an industry veteran and make genuine recommendations based on my experience, knowledge, and relationships with the lead yoga instructors in this space.
Because I believe in yoga. I think anyone who cares about their body or loves personal development work should do yoga teacher training. I believe in the power of yoga as a transformative, healing modality. I know for a fact master teachers can be trained fully online, and I know what makes a good online yoga school.
I am the very first yoga instructor to have an online yoga school, after all (since 2015!).
So, let’s go deeper than the affiliate listicle sites that are out there. Brett Larkin has entered the chat and I’m breaking down what I feel provides the best 200 hour teacher training online. Let’s do it!
Why trust me?
I’m an industry veteran and have been leading online yoga teacher trainings for over 7 years. I’ve been in this space the longest, so I’ve been able to watch the industry grow and adapt to online learning.
In fact, the online version of my YTT wasn’t Yoga Alliance certified until COVID hit because, well, there was a stipulation that a yoga school had to provide in-person yoga instructor training in order to be Yoga Alliance certified. Never mind the actual quality of the program or the success rate of its students.
We are now a registered yoga school with Yoga Alliance, thanks to COVID, but that means so is everyone else with an internet connection and a promise that they’ll teach all of the required topics…
…which may have you scratching your head on how to suss this all out.
That’s what I’m here to do.
Look, I’ll recommend my course because, like I said, I really think it’s the best. I have literally dedicated my life to creating a transformative, intimate YTT that provides the utmost value to my students, and truly qualifies them to certify (96% of our students graduate, completing all 200-Hours with eligibility to join Yoga Alliance).

But I’ll also break down other courses that I believe in too. My course isn’t for everyone and I get that. I just want to connect yoga lovers to quality schools.
Our Process for Reviewing An Online YTT
Most lists you read take snippets from the training sales site and regurgitate them. They don’t actually tell you what’s in the course, why it’s worth paying for, or what qualities the lead registered yoga teacher offers. They definitely have not taken the course.
I’m promoting trainings in which I either know the owners well, have taken myself, vetted through my professional network, or my alumni have seen behind the scenes on.
I also polled my network, alumni, and yoga enthusiast community for the most comprehensive insider view.
But I don’t recommend that you just take my word for it. Investing in a yoga teacher training is a big decision. It is so personal to your own personal practice, goals for teaching yoga, and which style or tradition you’d like to study.
I’ve got tons of resources to help you make that decision:
- How To Become a Yoga Instructor
- How To Know If An Online YTT Is Legit: 8 Things To Look For
- Is An Online Yoga Teacher Training Worth The Investment?
- How to Choose a Yoga Teacher Training (That Won’t Rip You Off)
Otherwise, let’s review what to look for in an online 200 hour teacher training course or online yoga school. I know you want to get to my list, but all of this backstory is critical to know, ahem, enter…
Yoga Alliance Certified
For a full breakdown on Yoga Alliance and what it means to be Yoga Alliance certified, then head over to my post: What is Yoga Alliance and Do I Need an RYT Certificate to Teach Yoga?
Basically, Yoga Alliance is an organization that streamlines the certification process in the yoga industry. The idea is that when a “registered yoga teacher” applies for a teaching job at a yoga studio, yoga retreat, or any other yoga teaching job, the employer can be sure that the teacher has a general understanding of yoga and how to teach.
Just like law schools and medical schools have to follow certain standards to ensure that graduates are actually equipped to practice in their field of study, the Yoga Alliance attempts to do the same.
Key word “attempts.”
Yoga Alliance has always been controversial as they operate off the fees students and teachers pay them in order to be part of their registry.
So if a “yoga school” pays the fee and provides whatever (potentially bogus) documentation of their curriculum, then they are registered. Because of the fraud that exploded in recent years, YA has promised to more thoroughly vet programs as a result.
In order for a yoga school to be registered with Yoga Alliance, it must demonstrate that it adequately covers the following topics:
- Yoga Philosophy – a registered yoga school (RYS) must adequately teach yoga history, the yoga sutras, and the teachings of original yoga teachers such as Patanjali, and Vedic philosophy.
- Yoga Anatomy & Physiology – a yoga training must teach students about the body and how to safely guide the body into (and out of) certain postures without causing harm or discomfort.
- Yoga Teaching Methodology – yoga teachers must know how to instruct students throughout a yoga class. A good yoga training course will help yoga teachers develop a sequencing methodology and a framework for giving effective verbal cues.
- Techniques, Training, & Practice – every yoga teacher training course, online or otherwise, will cover a set of postures and breathing techniques, as well as other aspects of yoga like meditation, mudras, mantras, and the yoga philosophy behind them.
- Practicum – before becoming a certified yoga teacher, you first must practice teaching yoga! Every yoga training should provide a structured opportunity to practice and teach yoga to fellow students in the course. Lead instructors then give feedback to help you improve your techniques. This is why online training had previously been excluded from Yoga Alliance as the in-person element was missing in the practicum. My online training, however, has always held live practicum on Zoom, six years before “Zoom” became a verb.
You can review the Yoga Alliance online yoga teacher training requirements here.
Yoga Teacher Training Course Curriculum
One of my biggest recommendations on how to know if an online training is legit, way more than a Yoga Alliance stamp, is to actually look at the curriculum.
- Do they have it publicly displayed? Can you download the syllabus?
- Is there a manual? A workbook? How many pages? Is it mailed to you?
- Who leads their yoga anatomy module and what are their credentials?
- How is yoga philosophy covered and what respects does the program pay to yoga’s history?
- How is meditation explored? Is this a style you’re interested in?
- How are the yoga sutras covered and how are they incorporated into your yoga practice?
- What style of yoga is taught? i.e. vinyasa yoga versus yin yoga versus ashtanga yoga versus restorative yoga
Remember: being a Yoga Alliance registered yoga school only means that you’ve submitted the appropriate paperwork for approval and paid a fee. It does not mean that the training itself is high quality or a good fit for what you’re looking for. Reviewing the course curriculum will help you learn more about what the respective course has to offer.
Lead Yoga Teacher Trainer
One of my BIGGEST recommendations to students is to get to know the lead yoga teacher trainer before purchasing a course. After all, just because you’ve paid a fee to Yoga Alliance to be a registered yoga teacher doesn’t mean that you’re a good yoga teacher.

It’s also important to know that the yoga teacher trainer has a style and philosophy that you vibe with.
Think about it: the lead teacher is the one who is teaching you not only the fundamentals of yoga—like yoga anatomy and yoga history—but he/she will also be teaching you how to teach yoga.
And whether you’re interested in doing a yoga training for your own personal practice or to become a yoga instructor, it’s important that you actually like the style in which the lead trainer teaches yoga.
If you’re unable to attend their yoga class at a brick-and-mortar yoga studio, then find them online, on Youtube, and attend a virtual yoga class. Get to know their style and their voice. See how it feels and if it is aligned with the kind of yoga you would like to learn.
And if the lead trainer doesn’t actually teach yoga publicly or online?
Well, that can’t be a good sign, can it?
Take my quiz to find out which YTT is best for you:
My Personal Review of the Top Online Yoga Teacher Training Courses
Alright, so now you know the underbelly of the new and exploding online YTT industry and the potential drawbacks of online yoga teacher trainings. (Or any online course, for that matter.)
How do you know which is the best yoga teacher training for you?
Take a look at the curriculum and manual. Talk to other students who’ve completed the course. Get to know the lead certified yoga instructor. Look at how the online course is structured. And then read through this list.
Uplifted 200-Hour YTT
On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/BrettLarkinYoga
Where to get more info: https://www.brettlarkin.com/online-yoga-teacher-training
I love our training because of its focus on the individual. Despite being an online course, my students still get the same immersive experience that an in-person 200 hour teacher training program offers since we put you in a weekly call with the same students each week. You get a thorough asana review by one of my 500-Hour E-RYT master trainers in the poses you struggle with the most, through our proprietary system. We’re anatomy and alignment nerds, so we love drawing on each other’s photos and bodies!
Uplifted YTT is the best of the “live” cohort model fused with the best of “on-the-go learning.” I’ve honed all this over 7 years, iterating after each cohort. I filmed myself, world-renowned yoga teachers, and anatomy experts and broke the content up into 20-30 minute videos that are downloadable on your mobile phone. Not only that, but I also send you a 600-page color paper manual with workbook content that corresponds to each video you watch.
Here’s how it works:
Step 1: Watch Home Study Video Curriculum instantly
- Start watching the second you enroll. High-quality 30 minute videos of lectures and yoga practices for tight schedules. Download videos via our mobile app for easy on-the-go learning.
- Lifetime access to content of both your Home Study material and Live Call replays.
- 600-page printed color manual mailed to you serves as a companion workbook to the videos (experiential asana section provided as an immediate digital download).
Step 2: Transformational Live Call Experience
- Progress with the same students each week in a 4-month transformational journey with Live Q&A and group discussions expanding on the Home Study Curriculum.
- Practice teaching with fellow students LIVE and get real time feedback from a master instructor.
- Peers keep you motivated and accountable from Day 1 to celebrating your graduation, just like an in-person training.
- Includes specialty modules on Yin Yoga, Prenatal Yoga, Myofascial Release, the Chakra system, as well as detailed anatomy and alignment breakdowns of each of yoga’s key poses. See my commentary on over 30 students in all of yoga’s core postures, so you truly understand how these poses can be adapted to a diverse student population.
- Highly structured 4 month journey with passionate like-minded students, live practice teaching and feedback. Inclusive community. Therapeutic approach.
- Lifetime access to pre-recorded content and all Live Call replays.
- 96% graduation rate. Most other online training courses are less than 30%. Lots of students sign up for online trainings, but few actually cross the finish line… not the case in our program.
- Direct access to me(!) on Live Calls at key points in training.
- Modules on creating a thriving yoga business: social media, branding, getting studio jobs and teaching online are built into my curriculum
- Flexible call times for all time zones – weekend calls available – 30% of our student base is international and thrive in our program.
- We handhold students on every step of their certification journey… no one gets left behind, you don’t have to track your own hours, do paperwork, or figure out anything on your own, but this intimacy comes with higher tuition than other trainings.
- Despite our payment plans (some as low as $299/mo) not all students can afford our program, even though we do have scholarships (including BIPOC specific scholarships).
- Space is limited (due to all of the above). So register early (at least 6 weeks prior to the Live Cohort you plan to join).
Don’t just take my word for it, read more from my students on how Uplifted Yoga stacks up against other online yoga teacher trainings.
Fall in love with my 200-Hour teacher training or …
Experience 3 Training Videos from Inside My 200-Hour Online YTT
Alanna Kaivalya

On YouTube: none
How we reviewed: Anna is a respected colleague with whom I’m very familiar. She is truly an expert and has dedicated her life to studying the science and history of Yoga.
Where to get more info: The Kaivalya Yoga Method
Alanna’s training is next on my list since she’s been in the online YTT business as long as I have. Back in 2015, it used to be just me and her. I love Alanna because she’s a true yoga expert and a beautiful person (we talked on phone a few times and she was so supportive).
Like me, she brought yoga teacher training online mindfully through apps and a proprietary system before anyone else.
She’s also an author with a PhD, meaning that she is an established certified yoga instructor, not some random school that just threw their stuff online once Yoga Alliance started accepting yoga teacher training online.
I also really like these points about her training:
- Her yoga anatomy is great and detailed. It doesn’t skim over the information and leaves students empowered to safely teach yoga.
- She has an evidence-based learning methodology that uses quizzes and testing throughout the training at key points. It’s very well thought out and structured, which solidifies learning and memory retention.
How it works: You watch content in a vault and then submit all your homework and quizzes in another area. You’re assigned a mentor. So it’s like a private 1-on-1 training. You watch videos, submit homework and videos of you teaching in an online portal, and get occasional feedback from a mentor.
- Alanna is a true yoga expert and respected author.
- She is an online YTT veteran, so has a well-oiled machine in terms of learning and teaching online, like me.
- Her course has great quizzes!
- Her teaching methodology is evidence-based.
- Her online training is budget friendly.
- Her video and audio quality are high.
- No community experience to keep you motivated or interactive discussions with peers.
- No “live” access to Alanna (just pre-recorded videos).
- You only have access to the portal where you submit homework and complete graduation requirements for 6 months post-purchase. If it takes you longer, or you start and come back, there are renewal fees to access the homework submission/graduation portal.
- You’re in a silo and need to find your own people to practice teaching yoga to. No fellow students for practice and feedback.
Rod Stryker’s ParaYoga Training

On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/RodStryker
How we reviewed: I’ve taken Rod’s trainings. So have other master teachers in my faculty.
Where to get more info: https://www.parayoga.com/experience/certification/
Yogarupa Rod Stryker is the yoga philosophy expert behind most of the talented teachers you know. Now you can certify with him fully through Zoom (although it’s at a high price point). I love studying with Rod since he’s a true Tantric expert, has an incredible knowledge of Vedic texts, and still teaches most of his trainings himself (as opposed to handing it over to staff, like most big name teachers). Like me, he clearly loves being “live” with students and is passionate about truly connecting with them.
How it works: To certify, you first must submit a short application and pay a non-refundable $150 fee. After that, you complete different ParaYoga® Master Trainings (PYMTs for short), either in-person or online. Think of these like 4-day intensive modules, like a yoga retreat over Zoom with an AM and PM session (usually in Colorado time zone, where Rod is based).
Example PYMT modules you might complete include,
- The Four Desires
- Vinyasa Krama
- Tantra Shakti
- Prana Shakti and
- Yoga Nidra.
For 200-Hour certification, the modules must equate to the correct educational categories needed for Yoga Alliance certification. There are 4 foundational 200-Hour modules which are pre-recorded, but you have choices after that on what modules you might pick based on your interests. This training is perfect for the philosophically advanced student who is ready to dive deep into Vedic wisdom with an established teacher.
- Rod has been a world-renowned yoga and meditation teacher for decades. Studying with him in-person was a big highlight for me. Master teachers who teach in my own training have been educated by him.
- Any pre-recorded video content is professionally filmed with excellent audio quality.
- Lifetime access to pre-recorded content (limited time access to live trainings).
- 500-plus page downloadable manual.
- Downloadable glossary and appendix – very cool if you’re a hardcore sanskrit nerd.
- Assess your progress with quizzes and assignments.
- You initially complete 130-Hours of training “on your own” instead of alongside fellow students. Then, you need to purchase interactive modules.
- No “live” practice teaching opportunities in the beginning foundation modules (although you can receive feedback from certified ParaYoga teachers).
- Full certification requires purchasing additional modules, which may require days off work to complete as they are “all day” affairs, and may or may not work with your time zone.
- Base price of $2,100, with the need of additional PYPT modules at $695 each to certify, pending your desired level of certification.
- In August 2021, Stryker admitted to violating his own ethics agreement by engaging in an inappropriate sexual relationship with a student. He’s been open and transparent about this, and you can read more about it on his website and Wikipedia if you want to be fully informed before making a decision.
Authentic Movements Virtual 200HR

On YouTube: only their paid membership offers a glimpse of classes
How we reviewed: Several of my Uplifted alumni took this program after my Uplifted training due to their interest in either weight lifting, cross-conditioning with yoga, and arm balances, and sat down with us for tea for a debrief.
Where to get more info: https://authenticmovements.com/online200hr/
Authentic Movement Yoga school was an in-person yoga school based in Costa Rica until Covid. AM provides a flow based teacher training, pulling from the Lead Trainers (Stef Gongora, Erin Kelly, and Bianca Scalise) background in gymnastics, dance, barre method, fascia, and weight lifting to create their own style of yoga. This training focuses on anatomy, alignment, philosophy, introspection and plants the seed of integrating strength and conditioning to your physical practice.
How it works: Once you sign up, you log into the AM hosted dashboard. As a full 200 hour student, you move through the course in a linear fashion, and can’t skip around. You must complete each lesson within the chapter and pass 1 – 3 quizzes before you can move forward. You then must complete 4 live practice teaching sessions, complete the lessons, turn in written assignments, pass the quizzes and final written exam. You then submit a final video practicum of you teaching a 1 hour class.
- Everything is taught by the Lead Trainers: live sessions, feedback, emails, and Facebook group. One of the 3 will personally respond. These teachers live their yoga and embody their practice.
- Clear structure and learning methodology: you most complete each module before moving to the next to keep on track.
- In depth asana breakdown, of both traditional yoga poses and AM style variations.
- Includes strength and conditioning exercises to encourage cross training, and explains why this is a good idea.
- Financially accessible at $1,200 for 200-HR and $600USD for audit only (no certification).
- Offers many live teaching days and times to fit most schedules and time zones
- Over 600 page color manual and workbook with quizzes, introspective journaling, and practice assignments for each chapter.
- Practices are geared toward the athletically inclined, and may not be achievable for the average yoga practitioner. AM uses a lot of heat building movements in their teaching, as well as arm balances and tricky transitions.
- No lifetime access. Registration grants access for 1 year – then fees to continue every 3 months.
- Video content and classes are one hour or longer – not friendly for the full time worker and/or mom
- The Facebook community is inactive and mainly filled with students who are “finally back to it after taking a break”
- You’re not with the same students each call. All students are at a different place in their training for discussion calls, resulting in some disjointed conversations.
Uplifted Kundalini University 200-Hour
On YouTube: Kundalini Yoga Playlist
Where to get more info: https://www.brettlarkin.com/online-kundalini-yoga-teacher-training
Yes—this is also one of my trainings that I run in partnership with Guru Singh, a 75-year old Kundalini master. I put it here since Kundalini is an energetic, nuanced style of yoga that is growing in popularity. If you’re looking for a spiritual transformational journey, intensely loving community, and are addicted to the Kundalini style of yoga, this is the program for you.
When the Yogi Bhajan scandal of 2020 rocked the Kundalini Yoga world, it resulted in many students not wanting to do the 3HO and Kundalini Research Institute yoga teacher trainings (since all the manuals, materials and kriyas are from Yoga Bhajan, who is now known to have left two generations of followers reeling from alleged sexual and emotion abuse). To create a new way forward, I partnered with my beloved mentor Guru Singh to create a brand NEW, modern and inclusive Kundalini curriculum online. We’ve already graduated over 1,000 Kundalini Yoga teachers under our Kundalini University 200-Hour Yoga Alliance Approved program.
If you’re unfamiliar with Guru Singh, he is the beloved teacher of yogi celebrities like Tony Robbins, Seal, Carrie Anne Moss, and many others who want to practice Kundalini Yoga, but distance themselves from Yogi Bhajan.
How it works: Similar to my Vinyasa-based training, you start watching the Home Study Video curriculum the second you enroll. The high-quality training videos with me & Guru Singh cover all of Kundalini’s most complex (and controversial!) topics. This sets the foundation for our intimate, transformational Live Sessions. Download videos via our mobile app for easy on-the-go learning. Videos are 20-30 minutes each. You get lifetime access to the pre-training videos, krya library, and Live Call replays. Three four-hundred page manuals (woah!), including 22 original kryas by Guru Singh (not Yogi Bhajan) and journaling prompts serve as a companion to the training videos.
Next, you progress with the same students each week in a 6-month transformational journey with Live Q&A, a dedicated Support Trainer and direct access to me and Guru Singh. Real Time Feedback and mentorship is a key part of the training, and you practice teaching Kundalini Yoga with fellow students LIVE multiple times (training space is limited to ensure everyone gets a chance to teach more than once).
- Peers keep you motivated and accountable from Day 1 to celebrating your graduation, just like an in-person training.
- This course covers metaphysiology, humanology, cosmology… it’s truly the school of life!
- Kundalini awakening, Kundalini orbits, the aura, and the Vagus Nerve, are all discussed in detail, as well as the energetics behind Kundalini yoga poses.
- Guru Singh is amazing!!! Expect lots of singing, matra, and powerful Q&A sessions with like-minded peers. This is the opportunity of a lifetime as Guru Singh teaches LIVE on 90% of the Zoom calls. Meaning you get more time with him online than in an in-person training
- Three four-hundred page manuals, including one manual that has all the kriyas with pictures, written out, which you take with you when you teach.
- This course is really only for Kundalini yogis. If you’re not a Kundalini Yoga enthusiast, then it’s probably not a good place to start.
- Kundalini Yoga is focused on the subtle or “energy” body. If you’re looking for in-depth anatomy, my Uplifted Vinyasa-based training is a better fit.
- Like all Uplifted trainings, it’s a bigger investment because it’s professional quality, and high student to Support Trainer ratio (limited space available).

On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/MyVinyasaPractice
How we reviewed: We have several alumni who attended this training prior to purchasing ours, and they provided an intimate look at what it’s like to go through the course.
Where to get more info: https://myvinyasapractice.teachable.com/p/200-hour-online-ytt
This Austin studio led by Michelle Young pivoted quickly to online YTT during COVID, and grew rapidly through their robust affiliate program and Google ads.
MyVinyasaPractice uses the educational site Teachable to host their YTT, which is great if you like the Teachable platform (and not great, if you don’t – Teachable does not have a great mobile experience and it can be challenging to download the videos for on-the-go learning). Their curriculum includes a healthy dose of yoga philosophy, some alignment training, and self-paced practice. The entire curriculum is viewable on their website. They also offer specialty YTT courses in Yoga Therapy at extremely low price points.
MyVinyasaPractice is a totally self-paced training. You can start anytime, and finish anytime. You watch the Teachable video content and get a downloadable PDF manual, but the majority of the 200-Hour training is Live Zoom calls you must attend with different instructors teaching different educational categories.
With MyVinyasaPractice, you are truly “on your own.” You’re basically given access to a Google Drive folder that has shared documents on all of the topics outlined in the curriculum. It’s also your responsibility to attend the correct calls, fill out what calls you attend, do the math on your hours to add up properly in each educational category, and track your own progress.
- MyVinyasaPractice is an actual real yoga studio in Austin and Michelle has a long history of operating in-person classes and trainings.
- You can start the program anytime and finish at any time.
- Lifetime access to the Teachable pre-recorded content.
- Live Calls with various teachers at a lot of different times offered each week for a variety of time zones.
- Budget friendly.
- Live help via phone number or live chat on site
- Because it’s totally self-paced and self-directed (drop in/out), you may never see the same student twice. Students attending Live Calls may be on hour 2 of working toward their certification, or hour 200. So not all students on calls are on the same page in regards to the material, which can create a disjointed discussion.
- Most of the video content on Teachable is not professionally filmed (and honestly they’re a little dry, get a glimpse on YouTube)
- Videos are presented in a somewhat random order (similar to the PDF manual, which is short, less than a sixth of the size of the other programs’ manuals on this list).
- While certain teachers within the live training calls are wonderful, pre-recorded video material is brief. So expect to attend a lot of live calls.
- Paperwork. This is truly “DIY” teacher training (hence the low price point). So be prepared for lots of excel forms, educational hour tracking, and paperwork you must self-complete to achieve certification. It’s a maddening web of docs that you’re meant to sort through on your own.
- The asana/alignment module is a very brief document that uses content from Tummee.com (cartoons) for yoga postures and descriptions
- Immediately, you’re told to download the app to accompany training (with a $25/month fee). The low price point of the training serves as a path to upsell rather than as an affordable path to certification.
Yin Yoga with Kassandra

On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/yogawithkassandra
How we reviewed: Several hundred of our alumni have taken this course. I’m also in a part of the course!
Where to get more info: https://www.yogawithkassandra.com/yin-ytt-brett
This is not a full 200-Hour course, but I just had to include it because I love Kassandra so much. We started our yoga Youtube channels at the same time and brought all our offerings online in 2012. We “grew up” in the online yoga industry together, when teaching online was still extremely controversial (which is funny to think about now). Kassandra is an incredible teacher with a passion for Yin yoga, a slower style of yoga that focuses on holding therapeutic postures for longer periods of time.
Kassandra teaches the Yin modules within my 200-Hour YTT, which we filmed together at Youtube in Los Angeles. Many of my Yin-enthused graduates complete her full 30-Hour training after graduating (for this reason, this is the one training on the list that I have an affiliate code for, simply because my alumni receive a discount!). While many choose to complete a 200-Hour training first and then specialize in Yin, Kids Yoga or PreNatal, Kassandra’s course is so comprehensive that if you know “Yin is your thing,” I’d suggest leaping into her course right away.
How it works: Kassandra’s Yin training is hosted on Teachable. Everything is pre-recorded, however Kassandra answers questions monthly, in writing, in her student forum, plus you get to see her answers to all past questions, so it’s very comprehensive.
- Kassandra is an established Youtuber and author with close to 2 million subscribers.
- Videos are high quality, and you get to see Kassandra dissect each Yin yoga posture in detail, as well as adjust demo students in them (look for me, I’m one of the demo students!).
- Kassandra breaks down the Yin poses in both the Chakra (Vedic) system and according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, and covers all the key meridians.
- She includes videos on sequencing and creating your own Yin classes.
- Budget friendly, and a great way to “dip your toe in the water” and test out a 30-Hour YTT experience as the first step.
- No live calls. No live time with Kassandra. This is a self-study course.
- No interaction with fellow students outside of the written Q&A forum.
- Only for Yin yoga.
- Not a full 200-Hour degree.
Closing Thoughts
So, how do you know which yoga course is right for you? Well, just think about what you want from it.
- Do you want a deep, intimately guided experience with quality course materials on the yoga sutras, yoga philosophy and yoga business, with individualized yoga instruction? The Uplifted Yoga Training is for you.
- Looking for a vinyasa yoga training with special care for safely cuing students into various yoga postures? Alanna Kaivalya is a good fit for you.
- More interested in Vedic philosophy and Tantra? Rod Stryker is your man.
- Or do you just want to earn a yoga certification online for as cheaply as possible so that you can say you did it (and you’re okay with sifting through tons of paperwork on your own)? Then My Vinyasa Practice is for you.
Even with all of this information, you might still be wondering how to know which yoga teacher training program is right for you. I’ve written all about that too (and more!). Take a look at my resources for getting your yoga instructor certification and how to choose a yoga course:
- How To Know If An Online YTT Is Legit: 8 Things To Look For
- Is An Online Yoga Teacher Training Worth The Investment?
- How to Choose a Yoga Teacher Training (That Won’t Rip You Off)
- 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training: What To Expect, How To Prepare, Where To Do It
- How to Register Your YTT Certificate With Yoga Alliance (With Photos)
- How To Teach Yoga Online And Make Money (Like Me)
If you want some outside perspective, then I recommend these guides and perspectives on the best online yoga teacher training courses:
With so much love,

Next Steps
- Check out my YouTube channel and find some yoga classes that you can try out for yourself!
- Explore my knowledge hub for How to Become a Yoga Teacher
- Attend a 200 YTT info session to see what else you’ll learn in my online teacher training.
Experience 3 Training Videos from Inside My 200-Hour Online YTT
- What is Yoga Alliance and Do I Need an RYT Certificate to Teach Yoga?
- 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training: What To Expect, How To Prepare, Where To Do It
- Is An Online Yoga Teacher Training Worth The Investment?
- Levels of Yoga Certification: What’s The Difference Between 200-, 300-, and 500-Hour YTT Courses?yoga certification
- What Does A 500 HR Yoga Teacher Training Course Cover? Standards and Benefits
- A Guide to The Best Yin Yoga Teacher Training Programs
- Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Certification: Immersion, Online, or in Studio?
- Wanna Teach Kids Yoga? Find A Fun Childrens Yoga Teacher Training!
- Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Certification: Where And How To Get It
- How To Know If An Online YTT Is Legit: 8 Things To Look For
- Want to Become a Certified Vinyasa Yoga Teacher? Read This.
- How to Choose a Yoga Teacher Training (That Won’t Rip You Off)